Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The brightening of the interior mind needs a form of mandala ; so let us practise seeing colour and light and make our mind 's pictures full of colour .
2 In the letter , Mr Lilley says : ‘ I propose a three-pronged course of action which would focus the benefit more closely on the long-term sick , make it less generous and make it taxable . ’
3 ‘ I think you 'll have to , ’ said Fenella , who found the idea completely appalling , but who was trying to be practical and sensible and make it sound safe for them to go so that they could get Nuadu .
4 I wish I may not be too fond and make him indifferent .
5 Both sets of hedges are getting very overgrown and make it very difficult for pedestrians who are forced out into the middle of the road with the consequent danger from traffic .
6 If you make a statement which gives a stated time when something happened , do n't be vague or make it up , give the exact time or say you do n't know .
7 So you might think why do n't I make it easy and make it one square .
8 Our God can still take the ordinary and make it extraordinary .
9 The brains in rock wear their disdain on the top deck , a glimpse of the ivories to warn off the unwary and make it clear that they are outsiders .
10 The brains in rock wear their disdain on the top deck , a glimpse of the ivories to warn off the unwary and make it clear that they are outsiders .
11 I used to work for a record company as an office junior ages ago and they were always talking about music as being a packet of cornflakes : you just have to make it look right and make it so it 's easy to recognise and people will buy it .
12 Now Saint Marcus had to put all that lot together to make it look right and make it make sense , with hindsight , bringing all the important pieces together .
13 Speaking softly to the horse , he came alongside her neck , anxious to attach the halter as quickly as possible and make his way back to firm ground .
14 On the whole , one can deal with it on as voluntary a basis as possible and make it persuasive . ’
15 ‘ That is , people who were born normal and make themselves freaks through altering the body . ’
16 Our technique is to make customers feel relaxed and make them feel they are buying the right car for their needs . ’
17 Since nineteen eighty two when they took away the related earnings from the unemployment benefit they have introduced a further nine retrograde steps to the plight of the unemployed and now the proposals as has already been pointed out they now have a look , because there 's a fifty billion pound shortfall at how they can best tackle the sick and make them pay , as well as people who are struggling to keep a roof over their head .
18 Goals will help keep you motivated and make you want to run , and they 'll also help you plan a specific , personalised training programme .
19 She had to say something fast and make it convincing .
20 I just hope that he believes what he sees , that you do n't become too obvious and make him realize that he 's being set up . ’
21 I keep crouched and make my way through the low bushes , heading diagonally through the wood towards the estate .
22 I was asking a women why she did not keep herself more tidy and make herself attractive to her husband .
23 The correlations with the various scales give some indication of what types of situation subjects think of as risky , particularly those which require high levels of concentration , feel stressful and make them feel they are not in control .
24 Also visit any resident who is incontinent and make them dry and comfortable .
25 In any learning situation the teacher-pupil relationship can be a vulnerable and intense one , with some of the dependence of the mother-child interaction until the pupil is mature enough in that particular field of study to stand alone and make his or her own judgements .
26 Even so , a perfectly-sighted Ted can suffer with streaming eyes for several reasons during the fall , so best play safe and make him some goggles from a pop bottle , as shown opposite .
27 By 35 , our faces have undergone structural changes , so that the hair-styles which suited us throughout our 20s may suddenly seem severe and make us look older .
28 I think the problem is , that at the moment sex education is so arbitrary and it varies from school to school and from house to house I think they have to make it like a core part of the curriculum , make it compulsory and make it uniform throughout the country , so everybody 's getting the same education , the same quality I think that 'll help .
29 It is a matter of construction of the contract and the surrounding circumstances as to whether the prohibition is intended merely to place the vendor in breach of contract and exposed to a claim for damages or whether the prohibition is intended to render the assignment ineffective and make it clear that the contract is personal .
30 ‘ Okay , blue-eyes , ’ I drawled , even though they were green , ‘ be difficult and make me twist the information from you until you scream for my kisses … ’
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