Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [Wh det] ran " in BNC.

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1 He walked through the Blue Boar 's yard and on up the narrow lane which ran directly to the village of Purton , a distance of a quarter of a mile .
2 Members of the committee will see that savings continue to come through on the school meals service and this is to a very considerable extent , the result that the ethos of the previous Conversative administration which ran a tight ship and positively encourage deficiency .
3 Within a few days they were ready to invite Poole to a dinner of roast pork and potatoes — cooked in the baker 's oven because the cottage had none that could be used — and at the end of January a letter to John Prior Estlin described with quiet enthusiasm the clear brook which ran before the cottage door , a pretty garden — ‘ large enough to find us vegetables and employment ’ — and an orchard lying beyond which was about to become home for some ducks and geese , as well as two pigs .
4 In a few years more , he was to decide that it was German blood which ran most compellingly in his veins .
5 ’ I pointed to the high sill which ran just beneath the horn-glazed covering .
6 The noise intensified as the locomotive erupted between two large buildings , set some distance apart , beyond the tree-lined road which ran past the school .
7 With my father , who was trying to protect me and his cigarettes at the same time , I jumped into a nearby ditch which ran parallel to the road .
8 And his one-kilometre long metals run up the middle of the now tarmac walkwayed alignment of the former 2ft 6inch Leek and Manifold Light Railway which ran from a North Staffs Railway exchange station at Waterhouses .
9 For a while the man stood muttering and cursing as he clanked his heavy ring of keys , but at last he found the right one and they stepped on to the moonlit track which ran down like a strip of silver through the overhanging trees .
10 Better still , instead of retreating back to the crossroads , they were going to the cover of the dark wood which ran like a bastion down the left flank of the French route to Quatre Bras .
11 What really drew my attention , however , was the ugly , purple-red gash which ran from ear to ear .
12 The next morning they began their gruelling journey up the ancient Roman road which ran from London 's city wall into Oxfordshire .
13 A door at the rear led to a narrow room which ran the width of the cottage and had originally been the ‘ back kitchen ’ or scullery and wash-house .
14 ‘ Metal , the metallic theme which ran throughout the city 's design , was essential .
15 I used to , as my mother put it , ‘ curl up with a book ’ on a broad shelf which ran the length of one wall under shaky moorish windows which looked out over the golf course .
16 Israel made it clear that such development would be primarily in social and welfare spheres , and would not include any kind of economic development which ran contrary to its interests .
17 ‘ This is our little guest cottage , ’ she announced as they mounted some steps on to a wide , spacious veranda which ran the length of the property .
18 The turning-point in Lynn 's career came in 1922 when Leslie Henson and Tom Walls [ qq.v. ] cast him in Tons of Money , a sparkling farce which ran for two years at the Shaftesbury Theatre .
19 He strode past the lines of guards and attendants , nodded to the pair of officers who lounged at their ease in the shadow of the enormous length of midnight-blue fabric which hung suspended from the ceiling in lieu of a screen , and slackened his pace only when he was out in the long gallery which ran supported around the entire upper floor .
20 And they will be making a pilgrimage to the famous circuit which ran from the outskirts of Belfast through Newtownards and Comber .
21 It was dawn on the northern frontier of France ; a border marked only by a shallow stream which ran between the stunted trunks of pollarded willows .
22 I could see myself on the roof of our house , as , for the last time , I spread the couscous out to dry on a sheet in the sun before my journey to London : I could see the village below me : the tops of the trees , the minaret , the ancient wall which ran round my village .
23 Our first sight of the island was a sharp mountain peak jutting through the low cloud which unfortunately spoiled our view , but in minutes we were through the cloud and touching down on the long black runway which ran parallel to the shores of the fiord .
24 She had entered the world in the January of what would prove to be a notorious year down in Stepney : a series of brutal murders was to take place on Ratcliff Highway , a major road which ran to the south of Well Close Square and right past St George 's church itself .
25 When one woman tried to remove barbed wire from the path of a police horse she feared would get hurt , her photograph became the basis for a frenzied attack which ran the headline , ‘ Horse Whipped With Barbed Wire ’ .
26 ‘ Aye , ’ Athelstan replied , gently guiding Philomel away from the snow-covered sewer which ran down the middle of the street .
27 Nonetheless , for all these differences , it was taken for granted in both agrarian and industrial Europe that society was split for its practical working into a small élite which ran things , and a large mass which was subordinate .
28 They would lie up the following day along the rocky escarpment which ran parallel to the coastal plain to observe their targets , the airfields at Timimi and Gazala .
29 Slowly he hung his trousers on a hanger , which he placed on the communal rail which ran through the dressing room .
30 The corridor was in the embrace of a deep silence which spread right across the dark garden court below and beyond the open verandah which ran along all four inward-looking walls of the house on the first floor , on to which the bedrooms opened .
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