Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] effective " in BNC.

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1 The constrained maximization problem becomes one where the level of income for the representative household ceases to be a choice variable , as it is in new classical theory , but becomes a datum , determined at the aggregate level by effective demand .
2 The importance of parental support in effective transition can not be overestimated .
3 Disputed claims can be an unnecessary drag on effective management of construction projects in that they absorb an enormous quantity of the time and energy of trained staff in unproductive activity
4 developed the local authority role from direct provider to effective enabler , encouraging many tenants to buy their own homes , allowing schools the freedom to manage their own affairs and improving the quality of local services by allowing private business to compete for contracts .
5 There may well be other regions of the universe , or other universes ( whatever that may mean ) , in which all the dimensions are curled up small or in which more than four dimensions are nearly flat , but there would be no intelligent beings in such regions to observe the different number of effective dimensions .
6 Alumasc Aluminium Rainwater Systems are the lightweight and economical answer to effective rainwater disposal .
7 This is based on my conviction that certain basic attitudes and interests are present in almost all people — both teachers and pupils — and that these provide the raw material for effective RE .
8 Unsurprisingly , judges are not neutral in their interpretation of the public interest ( Griffith , 1985 , p. 235 ) , but are biased in the performance of their roles , both by their origins and by their location in a state structured in the interests of external business elites ; and where the law is implemented , in each case ‘ it will be found that an organized group had an informed interest in effective administration ’ ( Edelman , 1964 , p. 41 ) .
9 Concentration on user characteristics may deviate our efforts on the more central issue of effective retrieval for all the various types of searches .
10 Following a series of meetings the government and the Liberation Front of Air and Azawad ( FLAA ) , representing the Tuareg rebels , on May 12 issued a joint communiqué in which both sides committed themselves to working to create a favourable climate for effective negotiations , beginning with a 15-day truce from May 15 [ for January threat of force against Tuaregs see p. 38708 ] .
11 Precisely who falls into the outer circle of effective kin , or the inner circle of intimate kin , is not entirely predictable in individual cases , although people normally do have a fairly clear notion of two different categories , for whom different terms may be employed .
12 Is there any sense of duty to give support to relatives in the outer circle of effective kin ?
13 It has created the real possibility of effective legislation ( and an end to the voluntary agreements ) for the first time .
14 Millions of people watch it , it involves and amuses them and it 's the perfect forum for effective communication — not party political , just an idea of Europe .
15 Improvement of the prescribing content of undergraduate medical education was one of the more important recommendations of the Informal Working Group on Effective Prescribing .
16 It would seem to be a basic condition of effective classroom practice that the setting in which children work should be consistent with and supportive of the particular learning tasks they are given .
17 ‘ Anti-statist ’ ideas of consumerism and individual citizen responsibility may be respectable enough , but government seems to have not much further to say — beyond a vaguely humanitarian appeal to the ‘ social market ’ : it develops as yet publicly no vision of coherent aims , no serious analysis of pressing social and economic issues , their territories and their boundaries , no perception of the system flexibility that could satisfy both ideology and the real national need for effective progress .
18 Within a period of one month the Commission will decide whether there are any serious doubts as to the merger creating or strengthening a dominant position to the likely detriment of effective competition .
19 For example , Janet Rothwell 's article , ‘ Interactive Video for Effective Training ’ ( published in Training Technology , April 1988 ) describes findings that training times have been improved by between 40 and 60 per cent by the use of interactive video .
20 The modern science of militarism renders wars between ‘ civilised ’ Powers too costly , and the rapid growth of effective internationalism in the financial and great industrial magnates [ sic ] , who seem destined more and more to control national politics , may in future render such wars impossible .
21 He can only be placed in the lying position for effective treatment purposes when he can balance well enough to be taken through this pattern of movements without increasing his spasticity .
22 Any form of empirical evidence is useful , alright , erm sometimes you know , you 're asked , you know , what is the effective protection , or define , or write brief a brief essay on effective protection , right you 'll , you 'll want to say something there about how it 's measured .
23 The aspiration to professional status is a major constraint upon effective management .
24 For example , a major constraint upon effective management of human resources in secondary schools is the notion that the curriculum can only be delivered by one teacher in one classroom teaching one subject to one class .
25 Mr. Wilson : I fully understand that the Minister hopes that one bid will emerge and perhaps that would be the best answer , but if one bid does not emerge , will the Minister maintain the right to dictate that either only one bid will emerge or that he will condemn those involved in an alternative bid to effective disqualification ?
26 For gifted children much of the school day can be at the best an irrelevance , at the worst a tedious obstruction to effective learning .
27 Whereas the problem of payment of compensation by local authorities to a developer refused planning consent had always proved a great obstacle to effective control , the new situation was that where land was developed , the increase in its value resulting from the grant of planning permission was secured for the community by the imposition of a development charge ( equivalent to 100 per cent of the increase in value ) , to be assessed and collected by a Central Land Board .
28 In America the distances to be covered were so large that they were the major obstacle to effective operations .
29 The project puts great emphasis on effective case planning and joint working with local authorities .
30 Summarizing is a key behaviour in effective meetings where it is usually an important part of the chairing role .
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