Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] makes it " in BNC.

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1 Changing a light bulb can be very tricky , especially if a two-way switch makes it difficult to tell whether the light is switched on or off .
2 Today , of course , the importance of political parties makes it difficult for members of Parliament to claim to represent all their constituents ; but equally makes it difficult for them to assume delegate roles .
3 Brown ‘ boiled-up cow ’ type glue is holding the all-solid construction together remarkably well , and the high action makes it the perfect instrument for playing bottleneck and slide blues .
4 Quite apart from the availability of incidence information , a longitudinal study makes it possible to see if certain events regularly precede others , e.g. ‘ Do people with a certain laboratory report consistently develop liver disease ? ’
5 Yet reticence in sexual matters makes it less than probable that these will be the first mentioned .
6 Having to work from different angles makes it extremely difficult to maintain an even symmetry throughout the design , and it is therefore not surprising that nomadic rugs sometimes contain motifs of slightly varying sizes ; the fact that so many are perfectly balanced and symmetrical is a glowing testament to the weavers ' skill .
7 Lord Lane did , however , express concern on behalf of the court that to some people , ‘ putting into the dock together defendants who [ had ] been arrested on different occasions or at different places makes it difficult to avoid the appearance of ‘ group justice ’ .
8 Discovered in 1953 by Hong Kong herpetologist John Romer , the frog 's exceedingly primitive nature makes it of special interest .
9 On the academic site , detailed tephrachronology makes it possible to study patterns in the behaviour of volcanoes — the magma erupted from one volcano may become steadily more acid , or it may show cyclical changes , or it may even vary consistently during each eruption , starting off fairly basic and ending up at the close of the eruption much more acid .
10 Insisting that detailed historical evidence makes it hard to categorise and structure a developed narrative to specific events , this revisionist historical practice refuses to determine anything beyond what ‘ the evidence ’ precisely articulates .
11 The clear presentation makes it a particularly useful reference book .
12 It 's an expensive wood and not that easy to work , but the beautiful flaming and the rich pale brown colour makes it worth the trouble .
13 But psychoanalysis 's limited address to social relations makes it unable to deal with all the questions western feminists raise about gender and subjectivity .
14 Screened from the road by trees and shrubs , the house is substantial but its dirty , sand-brick exterior makes it appear rather bleak and lonely .
15 The commercial quality makes it a market leader !
16 This sectoral approach makes it possible to take into account the redistribution of IT production activities between firms that may cut across existing industrial categories ( eg between manufacture and scientific services ) and its human resource implications .
17 In an ideal world , your pump should be able to cope happily with normal pond detritus , without the need for a strainer of any kind , and any de-sludging should be at the filter , where back washing makes it less of a chore .
18 So how long is it before social pressure makes it a case of look — but do n't touch ?
19 If getting to the last eight of the Scottish Cup makes it look as if I have taken to management like a duck to water , I would be telling lies if I said the job was easy .
20 This symbolic , familial structure of affiliation between firms of very different sizes makes it difficult to identify the exact extent of independent control especially where subcontractors supply the bulk of their output to one buyer .
21 Although nephrite is less hard than jadeite on this scale , the tight felting of its fibrous crystals makes it exceptionally tough .
22 Its unique policy of lending only on houses that encourage self-sufficiency and homes that promote a saving in non-renewable energy makes it worth every penny .
23 The inclement nature of the British weather makes it either easier to stay put , or alternatively , if absolutely necessary , don galoshes , raincoat and ‘ souwester ’ .
24 Concern for the safety of the remaining masterpieces makes it unlikely that future visitors will be able to enjoy the relaxed atmosphere which was one of the museum 's greatest charms .
25 This pillar is Caisteal Liath , the grey castle , highest point on Suilven ; and although Suilven is only a modest 2,399 feet in height , its isolation and stark setting makes it appear much higher , rearing majestically from the surrounding moorlands in solitary splendour .
26 That may be what he 'd like to say , but the single preferential vote makes it impossible .
27 Each additional child makes it more likely that a couple who are not already local authority tenants will become so .
28 The reformulated law makes it plain that an offence is committed if the defendant conducts himself in a way that causes his victim to anticipate that the defendant is about to use unlawful violence .
29 Exports are one way for America to soften the impact of sluggish demand at home ; the undervalued dollar makes it all the easier , in effect , to import some vitality from Germany and Japan .
30 It has already been noted that interactions between infant and adult lead to the development of pre-verbal communicative exchanges in which adult and child are able to refer to objects and events ; successful joint reference makes it possible for these external objects and events to become ‘ topics ’ for further exchanges .
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