Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] all the " in BNC.

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1 It will make our future association all the more interesting and rewarding . ’
2 It is what makes the tragedy of this lost weekend all the deeper for Diana , who must know that this could be the pattern of the future .
3 There is no easy way back up out of the spiral because if a government attempts to buy back public support in order to alleviate the " political " problem of governability then this not only overtaxes the economy but stimulates inflation so further exacerbating the " economic " problem and making sustained and balanced growth all the more difficult .
4 By the 1660s all the islands were committed to sugar and the white planters were taking drastic steps to prevent their white employees from leaving the islands and tilting the population balance still further towards the black slaves , but this of course made white employees all the more determined to avoid going to the West Indies .
5 We see there with Good Friday all the words are , they 're negative words are n't they ?
6 Diana had felt unwell for much of the early part of her pregnancy , and was not quite herself , which made the process of settling down to married life all the more difficult .
7 Intently he watched it and then searched with renewed care all the nearer part of the Waste .
8 I had often marvelled at it , but it made the present disaster all the more unbearable .
9 She was superb throughout , counselling me to stay out , and this made my eventual decision all the more poignant .
10 She should be grateful for that , she told herself irritably — instead , it only served to heighten her growing frustration all the more .
11 In the far west all the witches of West Cornwall supposedly met at Zennor and re-pledged their Satanic allegiance around the dying embers .
12 She had shot him for all the things he had done to her and her husband , shot him because , in the end , she still loved him , and it made his ultimate betrayal all the harder to bear .
13 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional successes all the more thrilling .
14 Miss Murdock , who appears to have had a sense of humour , expressed her high regard for the autochrome process , the delights of which she said , were mainly due to the high number of failures that made the occasional success all the more thrilling .
15 In Miconia ( Melastomataceae ) in an area of forest in Trinidad , a set of species with such staggered fruiting seasons , between them , produced available fruit all the year round but among the bird-dispersed ( and insect-pollinated ) Lauraceae in the lower montane forests of Costa Rica this was not found , although the trees shared many seed dispersers ( as well as flower visitors ) .
16 Such relations occur in hierarchies , but for a proportional series all the structuring relations must be ‘ one-to-one ’ , that is to say , each relation must be such that for any element there is just one other element to which it can stand in that relation , and only the first element can stand in that relation to the second .
17 He was serving other people all the while and making out we were talking about the Superbowl .
18 For me , this rest in the colour scheme at this time of year is important if only to appreciate the exuberance of the other seasons all the more .
19 Officials close to Mr Delors said he was convinced the pace of change in Eastern Europe had made the need for a more federal EC all the more urgent .
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