Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] fixed on " in BNC.

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1 Anthea Darnell 's coal-black eyes fixed on each of the officers in turn , then riveted their gaze to Montgomery 's face .
2 Cranston steadied himself , pulled his long , wicked-looking dagger from its sheath and walked slowly back , his red-rimmed eyes fixed on Athelstan .
3 FitzAlan was sitting on the stool by the bed , back propped against the wall , arms folded across his chest , long legs stretched out in front of him , his brilliant light eyes fixed on her from under half-lowered lashes .
4 It was too large for me at that time , but over the next twelve months I must have grown considerably because , with wooden blocks fixed on the pedals , I was able to reach it in comparative comfort .
5 He drove very well , his stony eyes fixed on the road .
6 When he had finished with Maurin his great dark eyes fixed on Joseph .
7 Then his face became more serious and his dark eyes fixed on hers with a new intensity .
8 The dark eyes fixed on Luce showed dawning recognition , then puzzlement .
9 Becky 's dark eyes fixed on him for the first time .
10 His dark gaze fixed on her challengingly .
11 The train was running in the open now , the blackness beyond its windows relieved by distant amber lights which seemed to track their progress like the eyes of forest-dwelling creatures fixed on a lonely wayfarer .
12 He was standing quite still now , arms folded across his chest , the dark eyes beneath the dark brows fixed on the approaching motor boat , but Ronni found herself reflecting that that hard muscular body , dressed now in white trousers and a faded blue T-shirt , would only be seen at its best in motion .
13 The Helblaster volley gun has nine separate barrels fixed on a circular crank .
14 She hesitated , almost mesmerised by the piercing concentration fixed on her .
15 And began to move slitheringly in my direction , keeping their metallic black eyes fixed on me .
16 Keeping his extraordinary savage eyes fixed on her , he began to make his excuses and push the women aside , forcing his way through the group towards her .
17 In the event , it was Bishop Malduin who lost his temper , as he might not have done if Elfswitha his wife had not been sitting draped in white cloth in the corner , with her large , shallow eyes fixed on himself , even when the King was starting to speak to her .
18 Lady Isabella nodded , her beautiful eyes fixed on Cranston 's face .
19 His son , Francis , was munching away , his protuberant eyes fixed on his father in an unwavering stare .
20 Beryl lingered , her grey eyes fixed on Cathy for some time , then she said : ‘ I see .
21 Jaw set , hands gripping the wheel , a steely stare fixed on the fellow next to him , both of them determined to get to the toll booth before the other .
22 The Reverend Foster 's beady eyes fixed on the children fumbling for their donations as if they were a parcel of juicy worms to be swooped on if they tried to wriggle away .
23 He turned to me slowly , and I saw his face , expressionless in its blackness , with his yellow eyes fixed on me coldly , like an animal 's .
24 ‘ Hugh , ’ he murmured , his soulless eyes fixed on those of the clerk , ‘ we do insist you stay .
25 After a moment he raised his dark head to look quizzically into the wide golden eyes fixed on him .
26 He spoke rapidly to the barman in beautiful , lilting Italian and leaned against the counter , his remote eyes fixed on the man deftly operating the espresso machine .
27 Happier ? he said , his blue eyes fixed on my face in that mad way he sometimes has .
28 Anna looked up , and her blue eyes fixed on Sarah for several seconds .
29 Auguste 's eyes misted at the sound and sight of the lovely Araminta , Multhrop 's eighteen-year-old daughter , rustling down the staircase in a delightful froufrou of petticoats , her large blue eyes fixed on her father , but well aware of every male in sight .
30 They included a vase of official-looking roses , scentless but florid , through whose funereal and unnatural blooms Commander Adam Dalgliesh glimpsed a face so immobile , upturned eyes fixed on the ceiling , that he was momentarily startled by the illusion that he was visiting the dead .
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