Example sentences of "[noun pl] filled with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 At home I grew up in old Victorian houses filled with antique furniture .
2 Let me not forget to mention the bakery in Waipukurau , which served us the most magnificent cream ( real cream ! ) buns filled with delicious real fruit conserve — wow !
3 Try ‘ cassata Siciliana ’ — a delicious ice-cream studded with candied fruit , or excellent pastries filled with sweet ricotta cheese and candied fruit .
4 Waiters dressed in pale blue gowns — male and female , Han and Hung Mao — hurried between the levels , carrying broad trays filled with exquisite ceramics , the bowls and pots a pure white , glazed with a blue marking .
5 From the moment that you arrive at college you will be involved in what is popularly known as " taking notes " and as likely as not within a few weeks you will be the possessor of tattered notebooks filled with illegible hieroglyphics or , worse still , of masses of mixed-up bits of paper .
6 His industry was prodigious and he left to the Museum a volume of files , indexes , and notebooks filled with accurate and methodically arranged taxonomic work , together with his exceptionally fine library of works on Polyzoa and whales .
7 No blue skies , just the same depressing grey she had grown used to , and as the events of yesterday flooded relentlessly into her mind her eyes filled with helpless tears .
8 Even so , he was able to look at the fireglow of the Chariot , and he was able to look into the light and see the salamanders with their wise faces and their eyes filled with ancient knowledge .
9 She looked around the tent , her pale eyes filled with simple curiosity , and then looked back at Peggy .
10 ‘ Apparently not , ’ she whispered as her eyes filled with stinging tears .
11 She loved him so much that it was painful to just stand there watching him , and her eyes filled with easy tears .
12 His teeth bit into her shoulder but she only came closer and he made a low , frustrated sound deep in his throat , tilting her face and staring at her with eyes filled with burning darkness .
13 When she looked at him through eyes swimming with tears his face was taut with feeling , his eyes filled with burning tenderness .
14 Topaz had turned very pale , her eyes filled with such fury that Amsterdam recoiled .
15 Her eyes filled with sudden tears .
16 Her eyes filled with sudden , angry tears .
17 Her royal blue silk dress came out once more , her lustrous dark hair flowing on to her shoulders , and her beautiful eyes filled with joyful anticipation as she strolled into Joanna 's room .
18 Responsibility for the clean-up operation now falls on the German state , whose legacy includes two lakes filled with radioactive waste and massive tips of soil contaminated with uranium .
19 Many medieval manuscripts have decorated borders filled with comic animals and birds and people .
20 One of the sentences in one of the little stories in the booklet ( in its own words filled with useful and stimulating ideas to help executives lead and inspire their people ) talks about the fine arts of management .
21 Old bottles , minerals , stones , shells , tiny baskets filled with dried flowers , old wooden or papiér mâché boxes , miniature bottles in different shapes , pretty dishes containing pot-pourri , an assortment of small vases stuck with single-stem flowers or leaves …
22 Above : Tins filled with hand-baked biscuits , shortbread or tea bags , from £7.25 , Lakeland Plastics
23 Giles was talking of childhood holidays in Devon ; hayfields filled with wild flowers , corn-sheaves , butterflies .
24 Later animals had deeper cups filled with many light-sensitive cells , until gradually more complex true eyes evolved , and made eye-spots redundant .
25 Yes , we had stumbled back in time all right , to those days of portion control when catering managers were gods , working miracles of loaves and fishes on ever smaller plates filled with dry greenery and tomatoes cut like starfish .
26 Around the perimeter of the room , the shadows of the literate flickering gracefully on its walls , there were convulsive scramblings for miniature baked potatoes filled with cream cheese and caviar .
27 And the cracks filled with soft rheumatism .
28 Magnificent buildings filled with magnificent things .
29 We also had wonderful refreshments ; my favourites were shortcrust pastry boats filled with delicious fresh cream .
30 Dreams filled with suffering and strangeness .
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