Example sentences of "[noun pl] grew [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the fourth century , Athenian democracy was curtailed in ways harder to resist than a Hyperbolus , who could simply be got rid of : the institutionalized power of the men who administered the various state funds grew in the course of the fourth century , and as such people got above themselves Athens became a less democratic place than it had been in the fifth century .
2 Doubts about the importance of formal rational planning in organizations grew during the 1970s and 1980s .
3 It has been suggested that the wild man , or wood-wose , who appears so often in medieval literature , is a conventional figure typifying madness and deriving from the mad king Nebuchadnezzar , who was ‘ driven away from among men , and did eat grass like an ox , and his body was wet with the dew of heaven ; till his hairs grew like the feathers of eagles , and his nails like birds claws . ’
4 Bushes grew in the arched front doorway , and a wintry wind whistled round the peaks of the Blue Stack Mountains and the chimneys of Holford House .
5 Knowledge of the effects of urbanization , industrialization and poverty proliferated throughout society , partly due to the efforts of Nonconformists like Rowntree , Cadbury , Mearns and General Booth ; fears developed about the industrial competition from America and Germany ; demands grew within the Liberal party for more state action with regard to education , public health and housing .
6 Pale primroses grew on the banks , and mauve violets .
7 Their tusks were gnarled and they differed from the older Daurog in one remarkable and savage aspect : ridges of long , black spikes grew from the fronts of their bodies ; the central , vertical line of thorns ran down on to the twisting , restless sex organs that hung from their rotund bellies .
8 Gaps grew in the conversation — unimaginable in Rebecca 's presence .
9 Behind us the shouts and exclamations grew as the scarlet stain spread .
10 From local origins — Station KDKA in Pittsburgh — the transmission of radio broadcasts grew to the first national network , the National Broadcasting Company ( NBC ) of 1926 , closely followed by the Columbia Broadcasting Company ( CBC ) in 1927 .
11 While grain mountains grew in the West , millions of people in the Sudan were dying of starvation .
12 International financial markets experienced a period of considerable turbulence in the autumn of 1991 , as uncertainties grew about the sustainability of the recovery in the United States economy , and as fears were expressed that the German economy might also face intractable difficulties in meeting the costs of unification .
13 As a result , unit labour costs grew during the year , particularly in comparison with the other Asian newly industrialized countries ( such as Taiwan , Hong Kong and South Korea ) .
14 I apologised for slamming the car boot down upon it and commenting churlishly upon its perkiness and assumed that since ferns grew in the wild and my great aunt had had a whole conservatory of them , they were not difficult to rear .
15 Ferns grew among the boulders , and further on the spring undergrowth was already dense .
16 Thereafter , the number and reach of disclaimers grew to the point where carriers customarily exempted themselves from liability for every conceivable act or event that could damage the goods , including their own negligence .
17 Small plants grew upon the tundra , and then the seeds buried with the bones hatched .
18 They were now restricted to tropical rain forests where most of their food plants grew in the upper canopy .
19 They discovered that the rate of muon catalysed fusions grew as the temperature and pressure increased .
20 I 'd not done an adaptation before and my fears grew with the first reading of the book , simply because of the enormity of the task . ’
21 Fears grew as the hunt for Matthew intensified .
22 Fears grew for the tens of thousands of pelicans which are in danger of dying of thirst in Australia , as the country began recovering from devastating floods .
23 Things grew to the point that he ran away and , not having the bus fare , walked the five or six miles home .
24 These terraces grew into the village we know today as Middleton St George , which took its name from the ancient parish in which it was situated .
25 Black-leaved ilexes grew in the churchyard and a brassy laburnum had flowers on it for one week out of the year .
26 Over the years the body of Electors grew from the original Elector Counts to include representatives of the cults of Sigmar and Ulric .
27 Large herds of cattle , flocks of sheep and goats , and a number of ponies and donkeys grazed on rich grass round patches of shallow water , and clusters of giant fig trees grew along the river bank .
28 Tall fir trees grew at the bottom by the boundary fence , casting long early-morning shadows across the lawn and the laurel hedges which enclosed it .
29 Large trees grew from the interstices of the stone and sheep brouzed on the edge of every precipice .
30 Relatively few government securities are held , and although overseas securities grew in the 1980's , European equities are in fact a relatively small proportion of the total .
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