Example sentences of "[noun pl] to keep [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Police and motoring organisations urged drivers to keep their speed down and take extra care as freezing fog gripped the country .
2 We need words to keep us human .
3 Heroism presented itself to her still as sacrifice ; but she turned her mind in pity to the heroines who had suffered atrocious torments to keep their bud for the eternal bridegroom ; surely , and the paradox hit her humour with satisfying logic , the most excellent act of selflessness for a virgin was to surrender up her state ?
4 But the arrival of punk and the flood of self-produced records led to the setting up of new distribution networks which enabled the new labels to keep their distance from the bigger companies .
5 Edmund Booth of Ove Arup likens the physics to ‘ standing in a railway carriage and flexing your legs to keep your balance ’ .
6 Again , if the company is listed , it will be subject to additional duties to keep its security holders and , indeed the public , informed of all major developments and if it does not The Exchange may publish the information .
7 German interest rates are coming down , which will relieve pressure on other countries to keep their interest rates high .
8 In contrast European nations have allowed contracting companies to keep their R&D findings secret from other companies ; with this kind of practice occurring across a dozen nations , European defence R&D is often wasted as well as fragmented .
9 My father did give money to the Arabs to keep his head . ’
10 Now that a reaction is setting in , Mr Gorbachev is leaning back towards the conservatives to keep his balance .
11 In an effort to prevent this kind of accident ( which is almost always fatal for the tow pilot ) , the emphasis has been for pilots to keep their glider very low just after leaving the ground .
12 Fortunately Schur promises to keep his promise .
13 Things to keep her level .
14 I 'm at the front of the hunt and I 've got lots of other things to keep my eye on . ’
15 With great discretion , Dyson yawned , straining his muscles to keep his mouth shut at the same time .
16 The player has denied demanding two thousand pounds to keep his mouth shut .
17 I learnt to make pots to keep my food in .
18 A good cut will remove the need for lots of products to keep your hair in shape .
19 Michael Foot had put together a series of policies to keep his party together .
20 In the few years that followed , Eliot adopted various strategies to keep his poetry flowing .
21 Home , with Charmaine and her hurt , resentful eyes , her domestic conversation , her irritating attempts to keep their marriage alive .
22 Charles , in the meantime , would invite people who he knew shared his enthusiasms to keep him company .
23 Following Britain 's recent dispute with China over the stationing of People 's Liberation Army troops in Hong Kong after 1997 , Whitehall has been at pains to keep its distance from the immigration row .
24 It was striking that many of the girls I spoke to with anorexia or bulimia ( an eating disorder similar to anorexia , but in which sufferers make themselves sick or take laxatives to keep their weight down ; both methods are extremely dangerous to health ) told of an incident ( which they often insist was small or insignificant ) of sexual harassment or abuse which marked the start of their body obsession .
25 It is very important for chemical-sensitive patients to keep their problem in perspective , and not get unduly paranoid about the world around them .
26 One of the best ways to keep your eyeshadow in place — even after a dip in the pool — is to use waterproof colours .
27 He did n't mind telling her in no uncertain terms to keep her distance from him , not that she had any inclination to do anything else , but obviously felt no compulsion to obey those rules when applied to himself .
28 Ultimately the answer to heavy reservation pressure is for selectors to keep their nerve , and refuse to over-provide in a way which will prejudice other elements of the stock used by larger sections of the community .
29 So now I have just the toys to keep me company .
30 He went to exceedingly great lengths to keep his name out of the public eye , but , as with Lawrence , an extreme desire for secrecy and public contempt for ambition were accompanied by a morbid fascination with the power of the will .
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