Example sentences of "[noun pl] comes to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Your application for a further grant from our endowment funds comes to committee next month , as you know , and as I told you when you first mooted it , the chances are — well , chancy . ’
2 The shareholders ' accrued interest in profits retained within the life funds comes to £2.4bn .
3 If your inadequacy is so serious that , to use one phrase from the case law , there is an ‘ irredeemable incapability ’ , so that being given a warning and an opportunity to mend your ways would simply be a waste of time and might put the business at risk , it may be just to dismiss you as soon as the full extent of your failings comes to light .
4 The net book value of Banner 's leasehold properties comes to £1.82m ; the historical cost is £2.054m .
5 First , if B's claim for damages comes to trial before December 1 ( i.e. before the actual date of delivery ) , the court must determine the market price on that future date as best it can , Melachrino v. Nickoll and Knight ( 1920 K.B. ) .
6 ‘ The value per share of the players comes to £2 — a useful figure for shareholders given our fully prudent accounting policy . ’
7 One suspects that it is to demonstrate what the attractions of the famous Museum Island will be when the plan favoured by the Berlin museums supremo Dube but hotly contested by many museum professionals comes to fruition , for Dube has decided that the island is to be dedicated entirely to these archaeological collections , while the fine arts all move over to the western side of the city to more modern museums .
8 The extra income from winter wheat , less the annual cost of putting in the drains comes to £5950 — this is what the Nature Conservancy Council would have to pay the farmer as compensation for preserving his pasture .
9 An aircraft accident investigation is a long , painstaking process in which the sometimes complicated sequence of events comes to light only slowly and frequently in the wrong order .
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