Example sentences of "[noun pl] comes from [art] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence of religious aspects comes from a sculptured relief of a hunter god , of which Professor J. M. C. Toynbee has written : ‘ even in its mutilated state , ( it ) is one of the most satisfying extant pieces of Romano-British sculpture known to us ’ , though it consists only of the torso .
2 Another more important criticism of Marx 's and Engels 's technological sequences comes from the fact that they give the impression that progression through these technological stages was an inevitable progression from lower to higher .
3 Some people find it hard to accept modern works of art in ancient settings , but in fact much of the special attraction of many historic gardens comes from the several chronological layers of their architecture , planting and ornaments .
4 The evidence that some dinosaurs had larger , rearward tracts comes from the structure of the abdominal rib-cage .
5 The moaning noise from military Land Rovers comes from the oil cooler system .
6 Further evidence for macro-molecules comes from the work of Heintz who obtained infra-red absorption patterns of succussed solutions which indicated that polymers were produced in the solvent .
7 Yet within the context of organized literary study , it is true that much of the difficulty students have in making sense of texts comes from a lack of information , or to use the older term , a deficiency in general knowledge .
8 Teldec 's contribution to our pockets comes from a new alldigital series somewhat unadventurously called ‘ The Digital Experience ’ .
9 The remaining 7% of group revenues comes from a couple of subsidiaries in Zimbabwe , ‘ the dowry ’ from South African investor , Johannesburg-based Allied Electronics Pty .
10 THE OIL slick that threatens to cause havoc in the Arabian Gulf over the next few weeks comes from a spill less than one tenth the size of a supertanker 's cargo .
11 In fact the first evidence for such oracles comes from the Peripatetic philosopher and historian Antisthenes of Rhodes , the contemporary of Polybius .
12 The context for social workers comes from the referral of an old person to the agency , an action taken by the individual him/herself , or by a relative , neighbour , or another professional worker .
13 The evidence for the reconstructions comes from the iron fittings and indications of wood found on them
14 Little is known about the religious beliefs of the earlier natives , and the sparse information that survives about the Saxon traditions comes from the hardly objective pens of monastic writers .
15 They visit Edinburgh Network Support on all dates comes from The Milltown Brothers .
16 A further anxiety over the use of dispersed cells for metabolic studies comes from the finding that the metabolism of fatty acids entering intestinal mucosa from the lumen and plasma is different .
17 Some support for evolutionary theories comes from the comparative findings , which show that high maximum lifespans in optimal conditions ( cited in the introduction ) occur in creatures with a low risk of mortality in nature , and hence with strong selection maintaining late life .
18 The lion part of their names comes from the ferocity with which they attack any ant that comes within range of their huge jaws .
19 The acidity in grapes comes from the pulp : too much produces a sour wine while too little makes it flat and unrefreshing .
20 The search for an explanation of those differences comes from an ‘ ideology of difference ’ , which , having created a problem then seeks a resolution , and is unable to see that the problem lies in the original perceptions .
21 The power of these systems to manage themselves and simplify the interface with users comes from the large amount of computer power which they use .
22 Overseas competition for London 's financial derivatives exchanges comes from the United States and Europe .
23 Previously one 's knowledge of stars comes from the light that comes in in the optical range and the visible range , or in perhaps the ultra violet if you can put a satellite above the atmosphere .
24 Slight knowledge of other inhabitants comes from a small collection of material .
25 This vine-leaf bowl with its cargo of glossy lemons comes from a pottery founded in the 1920s by a member of the Bloomsbury Group , Phyllis Keyes .
26 About 40% of funding for the public hospitals comes from the federal government , nearly 50% from state governments , and the remainder from private health insurance .
27 The word origami comes from the Japanese ori ( folding ) and kami ( paper ) .
28 C. schwartzi comes from the Rio Purus and grows to around 2″ long
29 No matter what the feelings of the bereaved , the body has to be got out of the way , buried or burned , and much of the richest information from earlier societies comes from the importance accorded to that act .
30 The greatest threat to humans comes from the stingrays , large flatfish that lie inconspicuously on the seabed in shallow waters .
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