Example sentences of "[noun pl] gave [pos pn] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If only he had pushed his advantage home the night the Dorking brothers gave their party ( ‘ The Night of the Hundred Cans ' , as it was still known in Wimbledon ) .
2 Three months gave her time to give notice on her present job , and , with luck , have funds released from her grandfather 's estate , the mortgage secured , and , hopefully , the sale of the flat completed .
3 All the authors gave their manuscripts free , to help make Burma and its people better known , not only to the men of the forces , but more widely .
4 Ironically , his next words gave her spine just the stiffening it needed .
5 The emphasis on the last few words gave his game away .
6 SMILING DI : The princess yesterday , beaming as fans gave her flowers Picture : HARRY PAGE
7 A board on the outskirts gave its name as Sècheron and listed times of Holy Mass .
8 Goodlad 's ideas have received some outside encouragement : the Royal Society of Arts gave his course on communication of scientific ideas an Education for Capability award for providing an effective combination of academic reflection and the learning of practical skills in communication of ideas .
9 A Crookes spokeswoman said : ‘ Bedtimers was launched after research showed that a third of parents gave their children adult hot chocolate drinks .
10 All these workers gave their time and labour freely , their efforts being supported by other citizens who hauled stone and earth at every available opportunity .
11 The affair came to a head in a series of by-elections in the early 1930s in which the press barons gave their support to Empire Crusade candidates in their fight against the official Conservative central office candidates .
12 Despite its shattering defeat in 1931 the Labour Party had established itself as the dominant political force opposed to the Conservative Party , as the unchallenged controller of local government on the major coalfields and as the Party to which the great majority of trade-union officials gave their loyalty .
13 Di — who smiled when wellwishers gave her flowers — said people took more notice if someone well-known was involved .
14 On check-off , the hon. Gentleman said that we could not have that now unless individual trade unionists gave their consent .
15 THE EUROPEAN Commission of Human Rights gave its permission yesterday for three newspapers to pursue a claim that the UK broke freedom of expression guarantees during the Spycatcher affair .
16 Since consultants gave their time free they were more available in more wealthy urban areas which could support the private practices that provided their income .
17 More than 700 farmers gave their backing to the Carlisle mart firm Harrison & Hetherington which had called the meeting because it believes the new system could paralyse cattle marketing .
18 The small court at Reading was inundated with spectators as various witnesses gave their accounts .
19 Now those same partners gave their blessing to the idea of the two solicitors moving out of their own offices , and setting up a temporary Law Centre where everyone involved could get together and fight for the return of the children ; they would fight for justice , and ultimately a judicial inquiry .
20 It was published in 1959 and the trustees gave their consent .
21 She had stopped crying when her mother hit her , partly out of pride , but partly out of spite because she always felt her tears gave her mother pleasure .
22 The doctors gave their services , the nurses gave their services , all the lay workers give their services and from one clinic we went to seven clinics in a week !
23 Doctors gave his liver to a 15-year-old boy , his kidneys to a 43-year-old mother of two and a man of 60 , his heart to a woman of 45 , and both lungs to a woman of 47 .
24 Full length account of the production of the famous firm founded by Arthur Lasenby Liberty in 1875 , whose distinctive products gave their name to Art Nouveau in Italy — Stile Liberty .
25 SHARES in drugs giant Glaxo powered ahead 26p to 774p yesterday after US authorities gave their blessing to sales of its anti-migraine treatment Imitrex , in injectable form .
26 The regular production of films featuring these performers gave their production companies some sort of economic foundation to build on , as well as allowing producers like Balcon and Dean a glimpse of what a popular British cinema might achieve .
27 Hire-purchase was used in England for pianos , furniture , and sewing machines ; after a slight hiccup , the courts gave their imprimatur .
28 ‘ We must beware lest unscrupulous people exploit these areas of misunderstanding and divert our attention from the really important task , which is our common defence of the kind of freedoms we hold so dear : the freedoms for which this noble university so proudly stands and for which so many of its sons gave their lives in foreign fields . ’
29 When Springhall writes that adolescents gave their allegiance to ‘ society ’ , this is at best a half-truth .
30 Although the Society of Gardeners gave their name to the Catalogus Plantarum ( Catalogue of Trees and Shrubs both Exotick and Domestic that are Hardy enough to Bear the Cold of our Climate in the Open Air and are Propagated for Sale in the Gardens near London ) 1730 , Philip Miller and Thomas Fairchild are thought to have been its chief promoters .
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