Example sentences of "[noun pl] probably [vb base] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All readers probably assimilate Gollum early on to the now-familiar image of a ‘ drug-addict ’ , craving desperately for a ‘ fix ’ even though he knows it will kill him .
2 Polymeric forms of catechin ( condensed tannins ) are also antiulcerogenic and tannins probably inhibit pepsin by direct tannin-pepsin interactions .
3 Wright explains that these toxins probably cause diarrhoea by stimulating the phosphorylation of proteins that control sodium secretion by intestinal cells .
4 As J. Fisher ( 1954 ) and Ward and Zahavi ( 1973 ) have argued , dispersal systems based on roosts probably provide centres for information exchange whereby birds can detect contrasts in the foraging success of other individuals and follow the more successful back to good feeding patches .
5 In the Galloway there has been strong discrimination against red , to the extent that red animals have been falsely maligned as ‘ poor doers ’ , and today the red varieties probably have Devon , South Devon , Red Poll or Shorthorn blood .
6 Most illnesses probably contain elements of both , but with a preponderance of one or the other which allows us to classify them accordingly .
7 The metals probably include chromium , manganese , cobalt , vanadium , nickel , tungsten and tantalum .
8 But some other trends probably favour IBM — the trends towards networking and services offer new opportunities .
9 Many older women probably avoid relationships for similar reasons but , once they get over the inhibitions , it can be very reassuring to know that you are accepted , varicose veins , belly and all .
10 ‘ I think women probably want sex far more often than men think they do .
11 St Alban 's abbey is perhaps the best example , but others probably include St Andrew 's at Northover , outside the Roman town of Ilchester in Somerset , and Fordington in Dorchester .
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