Example sentences of "[noun pl] who saw it " in BNC.

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1 By 1920 the English Channel Tunnel Company 's scheme for a rail tunnel between Shakespeare Cliff and Sangatte was at an advanced stage of development and had attracted the support of MPs , businessmen and engineers who saw it as a major work of postwar reconstruction which would provide badly needed employment at a time of recession .
2 The Centre for Policy Studies was only one of a series of institutions which now began to churn out papers , briefings , and a stream of serious young advisers in dark suits who saw it as their role to steer the party away from the errors of its past ways .
3 By the late 1970s this avowedly elitist tendency had provided an attractive and powerful rallying point for those in English studies who saw it as their function to " uphold the finest academic and cultural values " .
4 His dismissal angered senior police chiefs who saw it as yet another concession from Gaviria to drug cartel chiefs , who had surrendered in return for reduced prison sentences [ see pp. 37914 ; 37957-58 ; 38283 ] .
5 IN BRITAIN , the wrangle was blasted by critics who saw it as a possible blow to Manchester 's hopes of hosting the Olympics in the year 2000 .
6 It was a grandiose theme so radical and ridiculous that it naturally appealed to many intelligence officers living in their secret world of fantasies who saw it as a convenient excuse for all their previous problems and disasters .
7 Not surprisingly Teetotalism at first ran into opposition from some Nonconformists who saw it as a rival pseudo-religion .
8 The reservoir behind it , Lake Powell ( or ‘ Lake Foul ’ as it is called by environmentalists , who think it dishonours his name ) flooded 186 miles of Grand Canyon , which Powell and others who saw it described as the most beautiful of all the West 's river canyons .
9 He never thought of patenting his invention or trying to make any money out of it , but others who saw it were not slow to realize its potential , and soon copies began to appear and were sold for £6 or £7 each .
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