Example sentences of "[noun pl] can be kept " in BNC.

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1 The method can work if there is a long time for the change-over , if both channels can be kept open and if it does not matter that the two systems are being used haphazardly .
2 With several separate aquaria , each kind of animal can be given the type of food it needs , and animals that feed on other animals can be kept apart .
3 In any event , the need to use ‘ preferred values ’ can be frustrating but with careful adjustment , the errors can be kept within 0.2dB , and this should be the aim .
4 They could at least give the business rate — or an element of it — back to London so that the bills can be kept down there .
5 The predictions made by Johnson were tested by simulation studies , which showed that even for a 100 per cent packed file , if the discipline he recommended is adhered to , the average number of accesses can be kept down to 1.5 per retrieval , and for larger bucket sizes this is reduced to around 1.25 .
6 Ants can be kept in large glass jars filled with soil or in a wormery ( Chapter 6 ) , but to see them best you should keep them in a special kind of housing .
7 Even when pods have to be opened in the field , to save weight on the return journey , the seeds can be kept in good condition for two weeks by packing them in damp charcoal .
8 Fruit bushes , roses and other plants can be kept in trim with ease , keeping your garden tidy all year round .
9 Since labour is the most expensive item , costs can be kept to a minimum .
10 The piping or icing bags need to be washed and dried with every change of colour icing , although of course if you have a number of bags available this is unnecessary , and a variety of colours can be kept on hand at any one time .
11 With careful management , however , these problems can be kept to a minimum .
12 I confess to not immediately grasping one reason for the cathedral 's decline ( ’ Pigeons can be kept off the facade by netting but few sink into the porous marble ’ ) .
13 Similarly , mugs and cups used regularly can be kept on hooks near the stove top , and glasses can be kept in a cabinet near the washing machine .
14 Wild rabbits can be kept in captivity and eventually tamed , and it is , in fact , because this has happened through the centuries that we now see so many variations .
15 By choosing varieties which are grafted on dwarfing rootstocks where these are available ( cherries , apricots , plums , peaches , pears , apples ) , together with less vigorous varieties of others , trees can be kept to a more manageable size , some small enough even to grow in large pots or in a greenhouse .
16 In a company , directors pay income tax on their salaries under Schedule E. Excess profits can be kept within the company , in which case they are subject to corporation tax .
17 Bryan Jennett , of Glasgow University 's department of neurosurgery , a specialist in brain injuries , said the advance of medical technology has meant that more and more patients can be kept alive but often only with a poor quality of life .
18 The larger a firm becomes the more cost efficient it can become and hence prices can be kept below those competitors .
19 Males and females can be kept in captivity for several months , the males surviving without the lloral fragrance compounds to which they are attracted .
20 Telephone numbers can be kept separately , on a card index or in a contact book .
21 Dorothy Sayers separates her description of the picture and her list of the fallen paints here by only a few pages ( which is perhaps why I guessed , for once ) but you can see how similar clues can be kept in two parts with dozens of pages between them .
22 I suggest that the regrets can be kept to a minimum by using the following steps :
23 They also have a Graphite Pure Stick Pencil , which is again available in a series of grades and has a plastic casing so that hands can be kept clean whilst working .
24 The Springers have now decided to sell and do it all again on a plot not far away — but this time with an indoor pool for year-round use and half-doors so children can be kept within sight of the kitchen and gym .
25 Single-point instantaneous heaters will be fitted as near as possible to the sink or basin that they serve : multi-point heaters can usually be positioned so that pipe runs can be kept to a minimum .
26 OMT specimens can be kept for many weeks at room temperature without losing antibody reactivity .
27 Obviously , there are limits to how long options can be kept open and fairly soon a commitment will have to be made .
28 Students may take a wide variety of subjects both from within and outwith the faculty this is one of the ways in which options can be kept open .
29 Unlimited notes can be kept on disk and displayed at a keystroke for activities , assignments and resources .
30 Secrets can be kept a long time , ’ he says .
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