Example sentences of "[noun pl] are concerned with " in BNC.

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1 The cost accounts are concerned with the composition of cost and the source of profit .
2 The Appropriation Accounts are concerned with monies voted by Parliament ; but although they cover a vast area they do not contain all public monies .
3 The emphasis is on economic research , but the Centre is keenly aware that other disciplines are concerned with policy questions .
4 Here the main projects are concerned with human resources planning ( Keith Sisson ) , training and development ( Ewart Keep ) and commitment and involvement ( Paul Edwards and Colin Whitston ) .
5 Research projects are concerned with housing for the elderly , the mentally handicapped and mentally ill and it is hoped to carry out research on the housing circumstances of single women , ethnic minority groups and the physically disabled .
6 His former employer will quite clearly not benefit from this conduct and the courts are concerned with defining how far the employer can restrict such competition .
7 That the preparation of a development plan should be a matter of self-training follows from those steps which the SDPP suggests , for instance , in auditing the curriculum : check whether the planned curriculum meets the statutory requirement ; identify possible gaps or overlap between subject areas ; ensure that where two or more subjects or activities are concerned with the same range of objectives , this is recognized and used positively ; analyse the curriculum for each year group in terms of curriculum objectives within and outside the National Curriculum ; decide in which part of the school curriculum to locate work leading to the National Curriculum and other school curriculum objectives ; assess how much teaching time is available and how best to use it ; compare planned provision with actual provision ; judge whether curriculum issues need to be among priorities of development ( DES 1989e : 7 )
8 Since interactionists are concerned with definitions of situation and self , they are also concerned with the process by which those definitions are constructed .
9 On the contrary , the study of the humanities is essential to society as a whole , since ‘ the humanities are concerned with a truthful understanding of where we are and where we come from ’ .
10 These meetings are concerned with departmental performances , for which the managers are now directly accountable .
11 But the more profiles are concerned with qualities of character and extra-curricular activities , the more intrusive of privacy they seem ; and , perhaps more relevant to the present enquiry , the less they have to do with the actual school curriculum .
12 Some of these rules are concerned with the different components which go to make up a traditional story — the kind of story which is orally handed down from generation to generation .
13 These programmes are concerned with new course development and improving access to continuing vocational training ( see article below and on opposite page ) .
14 On inspecting this table we can begin to raise questions about the balance of men and women in secondary school teaching ; especially as far as teaching particular age groups are concerned with more women teaching the younger pupils in middle schools than teaching in comprehensive schools where the complete age range is present .
15 Much of these public sector organizations are concerned with administration , with the running of government and public agencies .
16 This is particularly important at a time when we as trainers are concerned with the ‘ communicative approach ’ to language teaching ; when there are no specific methods , there is no one way of doing things , when a eclecticism rules , when almost everything the teacher does is fine provided it involves variety , the use of authentic language and authentic materials based on the learning needs of the individual and achieves effective communication — whatever this may mean .
17 In Weber 's words parties are concerned with ‘ the acquisition of social ‘ power ’ ' .
18 The ‘ Results ’ aspects are concerned with what the organization has achieved and is achieving .
19 Arts subjects are concerned with the culture and history of humanity , especially as they are expressed in language .
20 Basil Rocke 's pictures are concerned with nature and all its elements .
21 These two books are concerned with two very different but topical recent developments .
22 For instance , all schools are concerned with improving and maintaining good attendance .
23 Thus , the first nine paragraphs are concerned with those in detention .
24 Warranties are concerned with the allocation of risk — not knowledge .
25 Warranties are concerned with risk .
26 This argument assumes that warranties are concerned with knowledge — whereas they deal with risk .
27 The interviews with the parents are concerned with collecting demographic data , and with obtaining a detailed account of parental educational help at home .
28 Service recipients are concerned with the equity and quality of the service they receive .
29 Finally , bankers are concerned with the availability of the terms and conditions of the contract to parties other than the issuer .
30 Structural descriptions are concerned with the realisation of meaning through the organisation of speech sounds and subsume grammatical descriptions at the level of phonology , morphology and syntax .
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