Example sentences of "[noun pl] that have set " in BNC.

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1 Pringle and Laverty are apparently unaware of the many family health services authorities that have set up approval procedures for employing counsellors in primary care .
2 Some students have been placed in difficulties by local authorities that have set a community charge that is so far beyond the reach of people that even the 20 per cent .
3 He said Wellcome could not benefit from tax breaks enjoyed by companies that had set up manufacturing facilities in Puerto Rico .
4 The lion 's share of Singapore 's exports is produced by the 3,000-odd foreign companies that have set up on the island .
5 Now , in turn , that secondary attack was being eviscerated by French guns that had set up to its right , on a ridge that was the western twin of the Mort Homme , called simply Côte 304 .
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