Example sentences of "[noun pl] that a labour " in BNC.

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1 But the industry consensus yesterday was that the outlook remained gloomy amid worries that a Labour government 's economic policies could further depress sales .
2 The Conservatives have been right to warn voters that a Labour government would mean far higher tax increases than John Smith currently promises — either that , or Labour would not be able to improve benefits and services in the way people want .
3 They were the architects of Labour 's economic policy which was designed to reassure the financial community and the voters that a Labour government would be financially responsible and would seek to fund its spending commitments out of higher growth .
4 Claims by Mr Major and others that a Labour administration would be heavily influenced if not controlled by the unions appeared to fall on deaf ears as union leaders kept a low profile .
5 Ministers said their warnings that a Labour government would lead to higher interest rates were backed up by a business survey for today 's Financial Times .
6 Central to that campaign were the warnings that a Labour win would mean a run on the pound , a sterling crisis , a property slump , HIGHER interest rates and possibly , dare we even speak the word , devaluation .
7 Over the weekend , when it still seemed possible that Baldwin would resign in the next few days , Sydney Arnold and Lees Smith advised MacDonald not to take office , on the grounds that a Labour Government would be bound to fail and that the party would then be ‘ overwhelmed ’ .
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