Example sentences of "[noun pl] that emerge from " in BNC.

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1 One of the more unedifying spectacles that emerged from the community charge was the flaunting display of the ’ can pay , wo n't pay ’ brigade .
2 In Poland , Catholic education is now obligatory ( replacing one dogmatic ideology with another ) , and in those predominantly Muslim states that emerge from the wreckage of the Soviet Union it is possible that some very illiberal Islamic regimes will develop .
3 ‘ M'kata was a natural , one of those geniuses that emerge from time to time in the game .
4 I think that both governments are aware of the proposals that emerged from th my dialogue with Mr Addams , and the process that has emerged , that I have said , and he has said is substantial progress towards lasting peace .
5 These latter awards will comprise groups of units containing the competences that emerge from the work of Industry Lead Bodies .
6 But the important point to remember is that we do not observe these sociolinguistic patterns directly : it is the speech of individuals in conversational settings that we observe and describe , and it is by analysing a large quantity of spoken language from many speakers that we can then demonstrate the patterns that emerge from our data .
7 The patterns that emerge from this table are that ( 1 ) the higher the frequency of discounting , the lower the yield ; and ( 2 ) the higher the frequency of payments , the higher the yield .
8 But Napoleon III 's Second Empire changed all this , decisively and enthusiastically embracing railway-building so that by 1870 11,000 miles had been built by a partnership between the State and the six great companies that emerged from the initial burst of railway fever .
9 Bullock 's report says companies that emerge from such university environments follow a distinctive pattern of development .
10 For their part , trade unions showed little or no interest in the new community-based movements that emerged from the late 1960s , and saw little to interest them in the educational work that developed around community struggles .
11 There are two particular respects in which the investigators contribute to the picture of young people 's lives that emerge from this initiative .
12 You must also listen closely for the vitriolic jewels that emerge from behind the gold-capped smiles .
13 The results of some empirical studies suggest that the theoretical predictions that emerge from traditional public finance are , in this respect , at odds with experience .
14 There are other things that emerge from evaluation that perhaps suggest that at least , not necessarily universally , but for that particular school , with those particular children , with those particular aims , if they want to achieve what they 're trying to achieve , then they 're going to have to make some rather more or at least some of the people are going to have to make some rather more fundamental changes in the way that they , say , handle children in the classroom , than might otherwise be the case .
15 the Humanities Faculty , having been rather disturbed by one or two things that emerged from the study , decided to meet in someone 's house the day after the end of the Christmas Term .
16 The first problem is the dispassionate judgement of compositions that emerge from , and in some cases directly express , political oppression .
17 The M-form was independently developed by several US corporations ( Du Pont , General Motors , Standard Oil of New Jersey , Sears ) in the 1920s and 1930s , in response to management problems that emerged from their attempts to diversify .
18 The Junkers also set about diverting social pressures that emerged from the spread of industrial and urban society and the creation of national identity away from socialist revolutionary solutions into naval and military expansion , anti-socialism , and the manufacture of a threat from the east that justified the maintenance of traditional German life — a life that was , of course , best represented in the continued existence of the Junkers .
19 A selection of case studies was reported , illustrating the mixed results that emerge from apparently similar projects .
20 Hilary also reported that research is being done into the physiological and psychological aspects of breathing work and we will let you know the results that emerge from this study .
21 The major points that emerge from the various observations can be summarised as :
22 I think one of the most valuable points that emerged from the Felixstowe experience , as far as I was concerned anyway was the fact that with all those people there when we heard their views , erm , it was quite apparent that it was n't the case of local people opposing what the County Council traffic people propose to do , many there were many different and varying interests there and , and we , we could , we can then basically come to a conclusion which satisfied , satisfied I hope most of them , but , we , we , at that meeting among the local people some supporters with some of our road safety and some were very much against them , others were neutral , but it was n't just a question of erm a , a united opposition of what we proposed to do er , and this was very valuable .
23 The NZ statements are produced in accordance with GAAP , and will be subject to the public sector reporting requirements that emerge from the NZSA 's Financial Reporting Framework proposals .
24 The library at Lindholme also serves as the legal aid and appeals office for the prison and the close proximity to the CAB allows the legal aid officer to refer the prisoner to the CAB session for any ‘ civil ’ enquiries that emerge from the legal discussions and vice versa .
25 and personnel particularly , is on ensuring that N C V Os as an organisation is upholding the highest standards around equal opportunities , erm , our employment records are subject to regular monitoring , and we discuss , I mean , in a brain-storming way various issues that emerge from the figures that we get .
26 The present paper looks first at the general context of the discussions within Ashdown School and then outlines some of the issues that emerged from the research .
27 When we consider the more general conclusions that emerged from the other interactionists ' concern with ‘ the labellers ’ , the divergence becomes even more apparent .
28 This was one of the conclusions that emerged from a recent conference on Media and Theological Education which was sponsored by the Jerusalem Trust and held at Edinburgh University , Scotland .
29 Maryland was organized as a late and formal version of the feudal system , the Virginian way of life was always expected to reflect some memories of the heirs of the Elizabethan gentlemen and seadogs who had launched it , and Massachusetts and the other New England colonies that emerged from it retained a moral earnestness that sometimes survived the loss of the faith that had initially inspired the earnestness .
30 There are two broad sets of problems to be considered : first , the political impact of the working-class movement in capitalist societies as they have developed since the late nineteenth century ; and second , the political systems that emerged from revolutions carried out under the banner of Marxism as ‘ proletarian revolutions ’ , in Russia , China and other countries .
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