Example sentences of "[noun pl] pull we [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We may not be lovers any more , but we 're still very good friends despite a few attempts to pull us apart .
2 All that postmodernism has been able to do is signal the demise and loss of all we have held dear , and it remains for another generation of artists to pull us out of the mire .
3 Britain is in an economic mess and we need level-headed , responsible leaders to pull us out of it .
4 Leaving Sagaing for our return journey by boat to Prome we got on to a sandbank and had to wait there until two tugs pulled us off .
5 ‘ If by any chance the police pull us in on suspicion they 've got ter 'ave an identification parade , an' if the old watchman recognises any of us we 're done for , unless 'e 's too frightened ter pick us out , an' 'e will be if 'e knows we 're capable o' smackin' 'im around a bit .
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