Example sentences of "[noun pl] committee [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Chief executive officer Edwin Lake told the tourism and amenities committee that the Children 's Village had to be protected from the sea , wind and sand and a reinforced concrete wall along the full length of the north side was a basic element of the design .
2 These reports are now published separately and not , as previously , treated as appendices to the reports of the Public Accounts Committee or the Appropriation Accounts .
3 Similarly no party today would , without some adequate and agreed substitute , abolish the Public Accounts Committee and the right of the Opposition to nominate its chairman .
4 If not , as some changes will be made to its membership after the election , will he consider writing to all Members explaining how the system works — what the Public Accounts Commission , the Public Accounts Committee and the NAO do ?
5 It would encompass the many quangos that the Government have set up in many areas , the operations of which have been highly criticised by the Public Accounts Committee and the Audit Commission .
6 With the new Council established and working effectively , the original University/WEA Joint Tutorial Classes Committee and the Rural Areas Committee were replaced in 1946 by a new University/WEA Joint Committee which assumed responsibility for Tutorial Classes and One-Year Sessional classes extending over twenty to twenty-four meetings .
7 The Glasgow " rent strikes " of 1916 , the engineers ' strikes led by the Clyde Workers Committee and the political agitations of John Maclean marked a growing radicalism in Scotland which was largely outside established parties , although it was a major factor in the electoral sweep of Glasgow seats for Labour and the ILP in 1922 .
8 He has published widely on the theme of science policy and the politics of economic reform in the USSR , and has advised the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee and the Committee on Science and Technology about recent developments in the USSR .
9 We sincerely hope the Welsh Affairs Committee and the weight of public opinion will now jerk him into action .
10 Statements condemning these actions were issued by the Chinese Foreign Ministry , the NPC foreign affairs committee and the CCP central committee Foreign Affairs Committee , and on Nov. 19 and 24 the US ambassador was summoned to the Foreign Ministry for " serious representations " .
11 I do n't know whether this will be acceptable to Policy and Resources Committee or the Council at the end of the day , but essentially what is showing there is something that , taken over the three years meets er , a figure equivalent to the annual but it does n't do it uniformly over the three years .
12 I ca n't remember at the policy and resources why it was decided by a majority because in in replying to this report on making our comments to this report , I first had consultations with officers to go through some of the items that we had done and issues that we had covered in this authority especially the members ' services sub committee and we knocked off the bare bones of er a report to the policy and resources committee and the policy .
13 I hope I will , that we will have support in it on this issue and I do n't want to take up all the time but it is something that members do approach me in , and and others on the members ' services sub and I hope we have time Chairman to er give this report some consideration and let's say it 's a v , it 's a very important if you Chairman want any additionals to the recommendations , or if you say we 're going too far in the recommendations because those recommendations you have down in front of you will be forwarded on and you 're officers and your your your policies and resources they 've given some time on on this report and therefore on the bottom of page thirty one the motion to be moved says that the comments of the policy and resources committee and the recommendations of the joint working party and the internal management of the local authorities be noted for submission to the Association of County Councils as appropriate .
14 Among the details he had held back during appearances before both the Senate foreign relations committee and the House of Representatives intelligence committee in October 1986 were the fact that he had solicited a $10,000 million contribution from the Sultan of Brunei .
15 Shortly after the outbreak of war in 1914 Fowler became secretary to the railway munitions committee and the following year was appointed director of production at the Ministry of Munitions .
16 The Legal Academics Committee was set up under the chairmanship of QC , by the Professional Standards Committee and the JRC in November 1991 .
17 This had necessitated a large number of meetings , particularly for the Socialisation of Industries Committee and the Social Services Committee : ministers had tended to bring too many items to committee ; senior ministers had wanted to keep an eye on their more junior colleagues , and as a result a heavy burden fell on a handful .
18 Of the £8 , the branch has to send £4 to the National Childbirth Trust HQ to support the work of the national charity , so we only get the remainder to spend on 's breastfeeding counsellor training , Penny 's antenatal teacher training , newsletter production & mailing , our post-natal support network , expenses for members who sit on the Birmingham Maternity Services Committee and the Community Health Council etc. etc …
19 The General Medical Services Committee and the General Medical Council seem unaware of the philosophical gulf that exists between the medical profession and user representatives .
20 ‘ The future risks are tremendous , ’ said Mr John Roberts , a Panama expert who served as general counsel on the Senate Armed Services Committee when the Panama Canal treaties were ratified in 1978 .
21 The first , and urgent , question relates to the administrative and financial arrangements that should replace the present system under which four separate bodies produce the clean feed from the two Houses of Parliament ( HOCBUL and the Operator for the Commons Chamber , CCTV for Commons Committees and the BBC and ITN jointly for the Lord ) .
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