Example sentences of "[noun pl] council [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 Committees and forums were set up inside the local authority , the local Trades Council and the local Labour Party , and together they formulated the idea of a new Employment Department to co-ordinate all the council 's efforts to tackle the economic crisis in the city .
2 On 20 January 1905 , for example , the Trades Union Congress , the London Trades Council and the Social Democratic Federation ( a Marxist organisation ) arranged a conference on the state maintenance of children .
3 Particularly I think to the , to , to , not to provide something that they encounter elsewhere , the hoops they have to go through in order to get benefit , the restart programme , we 're not interested in that we 're interested in solidarity support , rebuilding confidence , keep keeping unemployed people in contract with the local trade union movement , and that that 's something that I personally regard as extremely important and something that , that erm with this partnership of the Labour Party , the Labour Group and the Trades Council and the trade unions in the area , I think we do very effectively .
4 By the time of her seventieth birthday she had served on the Board of Governors of the BBC , the Corporation 's General Advisory Council , the Arts Council and the British Council and their respective literary committees , to say nothing of her work with such organizations as the Royal Society of Literature .
5 This department will have responsibilities for the Office of Arts & Libraries ( OAL ) , in particular for the Arts Council and the national museums , adding to them the Home Office responsibilities for the broadcasting services ' legislative framework and the BBC in particular .
6 From 11 November at the Israel Museum for three months is ‘ British Figurative Painting of the Twentieth Century ’ , an exhibition sponsored by the British Council of eighty works chosen by art historian and critic James Hyman in collaboration with Henry Meyric Hughes of the British Arts Council and the London-based art historian and collector David Landau .
7 At a time when the administration of opera is such an hysterically newsworthy subject ( at least where Covent Garden is concerned — and that , given the current thinking of the Arts Council and the arts minister , seems likely only to get worse ) composers want to write operas because they , if nobody else , recognise the scope of what the medium can offer .
8 A number of locally-based trade union and community resource centres were established , often with support from trades councils and the WEA , only to be subsequently proscribed by the TUC as ‘ unofficial ’ .
9 Pollitt reported in January 1936 : The Central Committee believe that whilst everything possible should be done to support and strengthen the NUWM we must now open up the wider perspective of one united unemployed organisation identified with , and part of , the Trades Councils and the Trade Union Congress .
10 Suffolk County Council and Babergh District Council have both contributed , as well as the Sports Council and the Foundation for Sport and the Arts , funded by the big three pools companies .
11 Until the IOC , BOC or Sports Council and the pharmaceutical industry get together to clearly mark products the competitor will need to refer to it in order to be more skilful than his GP or pharmacist .
12 The Scottish Sports Council and The Times Scottish Educational Supplement are launching this month the second year of the Sportslink Awards .
13 Keith and Tim 's efforts have raised over £225 to be divided amongst various charities including the NSPCC , the Spastic Society , Sports Council and the British Red Cross .
14 1.3.4 Other groups such as the Scottish Sports Council and the Scottish Health Education Group saw the opportunity for providing some form of national accreditation for health and fitness training , sports coaching and community sports leadership .
15 or the L.T.A. , a formal organisation is essential if we are to receive the support and guidance of the Sports Council and the C.C.P.R.
16 The scheme will continue its format set up by Darlington Sports Council and the North of England Building Society to encourage and reward sporting youngsters .
17 The collapse of the Ulster Workers Council and the failure of the paramilitaries to pursue a consistent and popular policy left three competitors for the support of Ulster loyalists : Paisley , Craig , and West .
18 Motion three three four also deals with the abolition of the Wages Council and the C E C would like you to ask you to support it , but with qualification , that a national minimum wage rather than a national Wages Council is likely to be the best way to set a minimum rate of pay .
19 This has the effect of abolishing Wages Councils and the requirement for employers to pay statutory minimum remuneration in line with wages orders made by them .
20 Furthermore , a quarter of the combined cases of the Drugs Council and the Detoxification Unit were known to have tried injecting heroin .
21 I am in constant touch with defence industry leaders through the National Defence Industries Council and the Defence Manufacturers Association , and my Department participates in the regional seminar staged by the DTI for small and medium-sized defence industries .
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