Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh pn] [vb past] themselves " in BNC.

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1 The Iranians might welcome a secession in Iraq 's south , especially if the Shias who detached themselves from Baghdad chose later to attach themselves to their co-religionists in Tehran .
2 Nor was it much higher among the clergy who found themselves not only heavily taxed without the discretionary right of refusal which they enjoyed in respect of royal taxes , but also threatened with excommunication and ecclesiastical penalties for non-compliance .
3 The results so far suggest that those informants who described themselves as infrequent and inexperienced readers of SF would not regard this as SF at all ; whereas those informants who did read SF would characterise it as such .
4 Mannaia seem to have taken care to propose people who were indeed from the active lineages but who lived in Tazarbu , and were therefore not personally involved in the conflict with Awlad Amira : while insisting on the principle of unrelenting solidarity , they tacitly mitigated the provocation by proposing candidates who had themselves not been active in the dispute .
5 The membership of SDS grew rapidly from about 4000 in 1965 to some 100,000 three years later , and throughout this period it had much larger numbers of supporters who identified themselves in some way with ‘ the Movement ’ .
6 When the Catholic hierarchy was restored in 1850 Shrewsbury , whilst defending the restoration in public and denouncing the Catholic peers who distanced themselves from it , felt that the triumphalist attitude of Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman [ q.v. ]
7 In Syria , which then included present-day Lebanon , the people were tribes without a country , in many cases the inheritors of great religious schisms , often dissidents who had themselves been drawn to the mountains of Lebanon by the physical protection which the terrain afforded them .
8 To obtain the latter , there emerged a peculiarly modern group of businessmen who called themselves ‘ undertakers ’ or ‘ adventurers ’ .
9 ‘ Welsh ’ is used to describe the ethnic origin of babies of parents who described themselves as either Welsh or English , but their infants as Welsh .
10 ‘ Women of middle class origins who found themselves at the beginning of their working lives unequipped to promote themselves within occupations which traditionally demanded either precise qualifications or highly developed aptitude ’ .
11 for example , in 1986 , when that group of conservatives who called themselves the Hillgate Group published their pamphlet Whose Schools ? , they set out such fears , and many others , about what they saw as the direction of educational policy in schools .
12 Both were manned by a gentry proud of its local influence , provincial patriots who devoted themselves to improving roads and preserving historical monuments .
13 Support was evident from small business people whose firms were bankrupt , housewives who found themselves queuing for the basic necessities and civil servants and skilled workers whose salaries had fallen in real terms as a result of the inflation .
14 In 1864 the Mercury complained about the ‘ country louts who disfigured themselves by daubing their faces with red and black paint , and by weaning bonnets , gowns and shawls … ’
15 The buildings are not open to the public , but Nailsworth and other nearby Cotswold towns and villages , such as Chipping Campden , Painswick and Uley , are rewarding places to visit for an impression of the wealth of local clothiers who built themselves fine houses as well as fine churches for their communities .
16 Many thanks to Pamela Vandyke Price for giving us such a memorable glimpse into the highly specialised world of the wine trade — and thanks also to those husbands and sons who allowed themselves to be pressganged into the responsible task of pouring the samples !
17 He was a Georgian by birth ; did he , then , share the fierce nationalistic pride of his fellow-countrymen , or had his orphanage moulded him into one of the bland , rootless vegetables who regarded themselves as Soviet citizens ?
18 I earned a few sous so I became more fantastical , maintaining I had met Brahmins who killed themselves on funeral pyres ; men with monkeys ’ heads and leopards ' bodies ; giants with only one eye and one foot who could run so fast they could only be caught if they fell asleep in the lap of a virgin .
19 Most aerial photographers are pilots who taught themselves photography .
20 I do not believe that the Harrier pilots who found themselves in the Royal Naval Reserve will have the opportunity to fly either , but it is certainly useful to have them in the reserve should they be needed .
21 Each writer sought to give an overall biblical interpretation of his subject , but to do so in such a way as to be of practical value to modern Christians who found themselves perplexed by controversy on the subject .
22 But one should not ignore the fact that there were many Catholics who found themselves opposing Franco because of their support for the independence movements .
23 The many Harvard dealers who introduced themselves : " This is … from Harvard Securities in the City of London " were perhaps sharing in their company 's wishful thinking .
24 Which if nothing else , qualifies it as more mature than those Ministry of Agriculture officials who pronounced themselves this week to be ‘ absolutely happy ’ that it should now be on sale .
25 In fact the indicators used by Edwards were chosen for their capacity to distinguish between individuals who associated themselves to varying degrees with the norms and values of the black community ; of particular importance is the distinction between black and non-black ethnicity .
26 However , it was to the small farmer and small businessman , the very people who had failed to colonise the east , individuals who felt themselves beset by Poles , Jews and communists in ways they could not articulate , that the Nazis were to make their main appeal .
27 This does not exclude negative judgements on Roman individuals who showed themselves inferior to normal standards of prudence or wisdom : even Claudius Marcellus is blamed for his lack of prudence ( 10.32.7–52 ) .
28 There were conflicts within individuals who found themselves looking nostalgically to their own tribal past while at the same time wanting to be part of the newly emerging social and economic order .
29 The same answer I have got from several distinguished persons who had themselves had a particular pleasure in planting trees and plants with their own hands .
30 Poorly trained managers who found themselves faced with new , rapidly changing technologies developed technophobia out of fear of things they did not understand .
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