Example sentences of "[noun pl] [Wh det] ran [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Corbett slipped and tripped as he was pushed down a flight of steep narrow steps which ran under the keep .
2 It was subsequently noticed that the corresponding Corporation cars and the ex-Gravesend cars which ran on Brill 22E bogies did not suffer from so many derailments , even though the bogies of the latter were reversed .
3 In the Individual mode clients received 12 weekly 45 minute sessions , while those treated in small groups ( 4–8 persons ) attended 12 weekly 90 minute group sessions which ran alongside an initial three individual sessions each .
4 Fortunately for the players , only accredited golfing journalists were allowed to encroach on the fairways and everyone else was kept firmly behind the ropes and barriers which ran along the perimeter of each hole .
5 His show-business break came in 1956 when he was appointed musical director for the show Cranks which ran in London and on New York 's Broadway .
6 They hurried past Fleet ditch , the corpses of dead dogs floating in the slime , and along twisting lanes which ran through the high , four-storey houses , the upper floors projecting out on wooden pillars so the rooms above could catch the sun .
7 No-one challenged the assumptions which ran throughout the lecture .
8 When Jimmy Johnstone 's bar closed , he was forced to take a series of menial jobs as a lorry driver firstly with Lafferty 's Construction Company and then a labourer 's job with a gas contractor 's , where , ironically , he had to dig gas pipe-lines which ran past Willie Johnson 's pub .
9 I am old enough to remember the clean streets , the neat parks , the dignity of Carmel Road , the sedate trolley buses , the low rates , the LNER trains which ran to time , the prosperous water , gas and electricity works and the big crowds at Third Division north games at Feethams .
10 They landed on a sandy , gravel beach ; above them rose cliffs which ran along the entire coast .
11 They followed a maze of alleyways which ran to the north of the city down to Holborn .
12 The race was only open to vehicles which ran on unorthodox fuels , or which had internal combustion engines modified for greater energy efficiency .
13 Some 350 articles of equipment were carried in the 12 heavy tools vans which ran in the trains containing the steam cranes , and some of this equipment was so heavy as to need the use of demountable jib gallows with a frame at each double door to get it in and out of the van .
14 The two men who were tending the fire under the boiler were Dr'gasians — squat and bald , with decorative tattoos which ran across their shoulders and down inside their tunics .
15 The recurrent thoughts which ran through Alison 's mind , day after day , included ‘ What 's going to go wrong today ? ’ ,
16 He had never entered the caverns and tunnels which ran under parts of Kinsai before .
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