Example sentences of "[noun pl] [that] [pron] knew " in BNC.

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1 I could see in his eyes that he knew .
2 Michael could see by the look in his eyes that he knew who had ordered his accident .
3 Deception was another of the subjects that they knew rather a lot about at the Foreign Office .
4 The nose and beard also seemed to imply , to produce , to secrete constantly a certain kind of mind which had nothing to do with the intelligence diffused throughout the books , books that I knew so intimately , and which were permeated by a gentle and God-like wisdom . ’
5 I mean , I had Tony to go through and find key words that we knew we were going to need , you know , simple words like the , of , with , a , that sort of thing , that we knew that okay , we would n't use immediately , but we 'd look , ah there that goes there , and use it straight away .
6 I could see through slitted eyes many people who had the comfort of being three-dimensional , walking and talking words that I knew .
7 They were things that you took to enhance your experience and to make it more intense — to make your personal development became part of your life , It was a very high-minded approach and when one looks at what has happened to the drug scene today and one looks back to the prevailing attitudes at the time , one can see the absolute , total abhorrence among drug takers that I knew in those days of amphetamines , heroin , barbiturates , mandrax — all those things that had an adverse physical effect which were considered to by highly dangerous to one 's personal development and to one 's daily living .
8 besides a great many sins that he knew he had done that he could not remember .
9 Eudo had replied through swollen , bloody lips that he knew nothing , so the questioners changed tack .
10 It is hard to imagine the effect water can have on the lives of normal everyday people , there were about six or seven houses that I knew of that almost completely wrecked .
11 ‘ In those Go-away times that I knew you had I should have guessed you needed help . ’
12 He also told the stewards that he knew Carson was coming and that Alhamad ‘ had no more to give . ’
13 She did not consciously know that , with Luke 's swift co-operation , she had rid him of his tie , nor that she was left unaided to tear at his shirt buttons with frantic fingers ; and it was only through her senses that she knew when she came to hard flesh and soft springy hair , her palm sliding damply over his chest , fingers catching luxuriously in the light tangle of hair covering it .
14 All landmarks that he knew had long since sunk out of sight beyond the rise .
15 ‘ It was only in the last years that you knew us . ’
16 There were things that I knew , but the programme brought it home more to me .
17 And do lots of things that I knew he was capable of doing .
18 And if he could be sure of that , there must be other things that he knew about himself .
19 There were a hundred things that he knew he ought to say .
20 There were things that you knew , and there were things that you only thought you new ; and when something happened to shock you out of your ignorance , then the change in your perceptions could never be reversed .
21 It was strange music , full of strange sounds that he knew he could n't hope to understand .
22 And then , as they mumbled and made half-hearted climbing-down gestures that he knew would probably stop as soon as he was out of sight , he opened up the door to the club and let himself in .
23 And I found many details that I knew to be true .
24 ‘ Did he have any friends that you knew of in Beirut ? ’
25 She 'd taken him from the town and the friends that he knew and she 'd brought him to this great , dusty mausoleum of a place where he did n't even like to run around because the echo of his footsteps sounded too much like someone faceless who was following too close .
26 She was in a rakish mood now , looking forward to her games with Silly-Willie — games that she knew Mrs Kelleher discouraged as too exciting .
27 Five minutes after that , he had exhausted all the numbers that he knew , and drawn a blank .
28 And there they would greet the men that they knew , and collect what news they could , and visit the cess-pits more often than they would like to admit , while turning all the time to look up here , where the King their leader was deciding what was going to save them from the army of Northumbria .
29 There had been a recent incident involving my younger brother , Russell , who had been at a party and on his way home been accosted by a group of men that he knew , who were in a car .
30 They then spent the rest of the lesson — the first part had taken twenty minutes — in writing an account of why Rome was settled where it was and comparing it with the legends that they knew concerning Rome .
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