Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] before [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But the small errand took up barely any time and she returned to her room with some hours to go before she would know if Ven Gajdusek was going to honour his letter .
2 She craved clean air and peace , but there were not many hours to pass before she could point her car westwards and join Ayling in the country .
3 Erm , the latest round of erm proposals to come before you as part of the N H S reforms are the consultation document that we we received recently and proposals to the merge the three existing area health authorities in North Essex to form one merged unit .
4 The nationality rule was a beautiful get-out for them , but I only had a few months to go before I 'd been here for ten years and would have been entitled to fight for the title .
5 " I know I 'll be all right because there 's a few steps to go before it gets to that , " she said , " but some of the lasses would n't know that . "
6 Here are some easy rules to remember before you embark on a major scheme :
7 The fishermen will have to use turtle excluder devices in their nets , which allow turtles to escape before they drown .
8 But we had another few hundred feet to manage before we saw our goal .
9 Sue Harvey urges parents to think before they buy and not to play into the hands of the clubs :
10 We would need extraordinary circumstances to arise before we abandoned laws like the Law of Non-Contradiction .
11 Her frock was already soaked , but she paid no heed to that , because she could see she would certainly get wet from feet to head before she reached the farther bank .
12 He had known it would not satisfy them , and he waited for the rumbles to grow before he said : ‘ Very well .
13 On average , people come to us with only fours years to go before they need the fees , which does not give long for performance . ’
14 We have tramped miles over mountain and moorland in search of sport , and one of the joys of living and fishing in Scotland is that in spite of nearly forty years ' trout fishing , we have at least another forty years to go before we can honestly say we know but a fraction of all the fishing available .
15 But the main thing is i it starts at sixty for women , sixty five for men , and of course that 's erm important when you come to erm planning , because er if you 've got er a male retiring at say fifty eight , he 's actually got seven years to go before he , he draws state pension .
16 AVCs are a very efficient way of saving , especially if you have only a few years to go before you retire .
17 But it might be as well for those of you with just a few years to go before you have to repay your loan to check with your insurance company that there 's going to be enough in the kitty to repay it .
18 There 's exactly twenty-five years to go before it starts .
19 Only two days to go before you complete your third week of this Inch Loss Plan .
20 We had two weeks to go before we finished basic training , and among those of us who had survived there was the blase attitude of the old hand .
21 Even if he survived the present crisis with its unusually heavy demands on resources , there were still a few weeks to go before he received his allocation for the next year .
22 In Spain , we have a further nine years to wait before we see whether similar views are expressed .
23 The mangolds are piled in small ‘ tumps ’ , covered by their leaves and left for a week or ten days to sweat before they are carted .
24 Skaters on the rink last night were given only minutes to leave before it was suddenly shut down .
25 The trouble is there 's a hundred and one things to do before we go .
26 He had a great many things to do before he was free to go .
27 Preoccupied with thoughts of her school and its organisation — she must get brochures printed and order equipment-there would be much redecoration and rearrangement of the rooms at Moorlake she would have a million and one things to do before she got this project airborne — Sara looked at him blankly .
28 ‘ As I said , you and I have a few things to settle before you leave . ’
29 Mandeville waited for the Santerres to withdraw before he answered .
30 He had things to learn before he finally pushed for home .
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