Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] according [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Darwin 's theory of evolution incorporates the principle of natural selection , which suggests that animals change according to their surroundings , developing adaptations — over several generations — which enhance their ability to survive in particular habitats .
2 They were unable to give any firm details because costs and premiums vary according to the kind of system you have and what add-ons you also want insuring .
3 Their policy-making styles vary according to what is optimal for the function concerned .
4 Products and yields vary according to fashion and demand ; whaling , sealing , fur trading and mineral ore exploitation have declined in recent years , but commercial fishing and fossil fuel exploitation are well established and likely to continue .
5 Parties play according to the rules of the constitutional game .
6 It is already obvious that the columns vary according to the point size , you can get away quite happily with two columns across an A4 in 12 point , three would be better in 10 point and to get four you 'll need to go down to perhaps 8 point .
7 The fees for monuments vary according to the type .
8 Effects vary according to individual health , weight and sex but , as a rough measure , three single whiskies drunk in one hour might result in 0.05% alcohol content in the blood — this would lift spirits and lessen inhibitions ( a single whisky is equivalent to one glass of wine or half a pint of beer ) .
9 The colours of the kyu belts vary according to the style of karate practised .
10 — word senses vary according to subject area or domain ;
11 However , even among adopters , family patterns vary according to the status of child or parent .
12 Stable furrows , ridges and hillocks provide a range of environmental conditions which plants select according to their needs .
13 It is available now for the iSDX 300 and 3000 , and costs vary according to the application .
14 Placement costs vary according to need but are likely to involve token payment for an extra helper within the playgroups and may include transport cost and playgroup fees .
15 But each of us is different , and our needs vary according to the time of day and what we are doing .
16 Their salinities vary according to how long ago their waters were left to evaporate , and the amount of fresh water entering them annually ; of the four main lakes , Deep Lake , the deepest ( 34 m ) and most salty , has a mean salinity of approximately 280ppt , roughly eight times that of sea water and similar in density to Dead Sea water .
17 Too few libraries train according to a pre-arranged plan and many are not only unable to justify the methods used for the processes taught but may actually be unaware of what these methods and processes are .
18 For the international people there are civil laws , by which they companies have to provide what we call indemnities for the person who works and these indemnities go according to certain formulas , which is known by everybody , and it 's in a way protecting them after they leave .
19 Plumages change according to season .
20 Explanations for these conditions vary according to the type of depression under examination and who is doing the categorizing .
21 All the elements that make up total earnings vary according to the size of the firm but the extent of differences in the basic wage is somewhat less pronounced .
22 These studies have shown that dissociation from synthetic DNAs , such as poly(dG-dC) , is described by a single exponential [ 14-16 ] whereas dissociation from natural DNAs is a complex function in which the proportions of the various time constants vary according to the input ratio of drug and DNA [ 13 ] .
23 The experiences we organise for our learners vary according to the command of the language they have .
24 Where rights vary according to circumstances , these circumstances and the variation should be described .
25 It provides daycare for children whose families pay according to what they earn .
26 Under the old paradigm , companies are organized into a series of hierarchical tiers so that supervisors at each level can make sure that subordinates act according to plan .
27 The detailed arrangements vary according to the type of living accommodation the patient is in , but , if possible , everything is arranged so that the patient , carer , relatives , professional staff and visiting friends all move around without danger to themselves or the household furniture and decorations .
28 Daily rates vary according to whether you 've requested a set or unlimited mileage , and include collision damage waiver .
29 Fertility rates vary according to area or country of birth of the mother .
30 Growth rates vary according to the polymer type , with ABS/SAN expanding at 6 per cent through the 1990s , compared with 8 per cent for the other engineering polymers .
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