Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] [adv] along " in BNC.

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1 The frame can be fitted to the wall outside the window reveal with a number of angle brackets spaced evenly along its length .
2 What would he do with Harry 's body when he found it at last , but toss it back again to go downstream as he willed it to go , and leave its poor slender bones scattered all along the banks of Severn without a name or a resting-place ?
3 There are virtually no deciduous trees , aside from a few beeches seen halfway along the Strait near the modern coaling-station of Punta Arenas .
4 The magnetic field would be so strong that it could focus these particles into jets ejected outward along the axis of rotation of the black hole , that is , in the directions of its north and south poles .
5 If the concentration of the polymer solution is increased a crystalline polyhedral structure emerges composed of lamellae joined together along a common plane .
6 The children looked all along the bank to see if they could find a boat .
7 The gap between him and his pursuers widened ; and at the same moment , though they were invisible and their volley could not be followed by eye or ear , the Welsh archers deployed all along the rim of the forest loosed their shafts together .
8 A scrawny cloth cap and neck nods to the Pope who has got himself several small stalls supported with bent cardboard boxes scattered variously along the roadsides .
9 In the area around Cirencester the still infant river only powered small mills , unlike the much larger ones encountered further along its route towards London .
10 The largest cemetery with both inhumations and cremations extended southwards along the London Road , with more isolated burials at Murrell Hill and Botcherby .
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