Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb mod] have known " in BNC.

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1 Animals would have known , would have caught his scent , or have seen him suddenly among them , and they 'd have turned and fled as a herd will turn from a predator .
2 From long experience , Belinda 's younger brothers would have known in an instant by the crisp , deceptively mild tone that she was no longer fooling around , but unfortunately Greg Carey was n't possessed of this experience , so he said on a thick , purring note , ‘ Because you need to loosen up , get rid of some inhibitions .
3 The Caucasian gypsies must have known about it too .
4 Undoubtedly his parents must have known about it , and that makes it doubly shameful . ’
5 A bird pecking at food grains could have known without learning what food looks like , or it could have learnt it .
6 The Nazis must have known that the Poles would not release Danzig without a struggle — indeed , they had asked for something they knew the Poles would not give .
7 Clearly there were many sly digs directed at Leathart , and the partners must have known that their comments would be passed on to him .
8 In other words the protest would need to involve activity which , it could be fairly held , the protesters should have known was against the law .
9 Dawn Wright , 23 , of Hollywell , who is still struggling to come to terms with her tragedy , believes the burglars must have known who she was .
10 ‘ Only close pals would have known of visit ’
11 We 've always had it , the Victorians must have known all about it .
12 Those who were his companions in arms must have known such moments .
13 Souness is fixing me with the glare he reserves for the enemy , the look that countless midfield players must have known to their terror , a look that threatens to rupture my Achilles tendon , if I hover on a question too long .
14 Those of us privileged to have spoken to him at some length and to have seen his fascinating family albums would have known of his boyhood tea with Hitler , his Military Medal midstream in some Eastern battlefield and a host of other incidents .
15 The Ife smiths must have known the only technique by which air can be largely excluded to permit copper to be cast in an enclosed mould .
16 Now my Lord I 'm I make the application with no with no joy at all but the for a day this matter has proceeded on the basis that yes these two men might have known each other , but that 's as far as it goes .
17 Most Labour voters would have known what to do , and the example of Bath would have been multiplied , so denying Major victory .
18 As Hayling , Walsh , Lowe and the others must have known , Thornton could not accept either condition .
19 She wished the dead ones could have known that .
20 Aleksandar Singer , who is a retired Belgrade banker , has said ( NIN , 4 October 1987 ) that all the top bankers and politicians must have known that Agrokomerc was overspending .
21 Further , on the material before him , he was entitled to conclude that the appellants must have known that the execution of the charge was in breach of the order .
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