Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [verb] myself " in BNC.

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1 I caught it with the catapult , the thick black tubing of the rubber twisting once in the air as I scissored my hands and fell back , letting the buck go over my head and then kicking with my legs and turning myself so that I was level with it where it lay , kicking and struggling with the power of a wolverine , spreadeagled on the sand slope with its neck caught in the black rubber .
2 I go up the steps in two effortless bounds and let myself in .
3 ‘ I thought I could handle it — but the very next day we 'd been sightseeing and returned to our suite and I looked into your eyes and felt myself drowning .
4 I open my eyes and push myself up .
5 I mean I would open my eyes and see myself like that , wake up and then I 'd bounce off the bed and then I 'd sit there bouncing and , and but I have n't had that in a long time and wh when I thought now a lot of times , if I think that I leave either the front door unlocked , my house unlocked or the garage door open I go and actually check that in the middle of the night .
6 Tried to dispel my doubts and tell myself it was Nan Ho .
7 Finally , I did the laundry , cleaned the eating and cooking utensils and washed myself .
8 I was going to tell her I had taken her keys and let myself back into the house , " he added , " but I arrived too late .
9 Alter that first crowded day I retired to one of those green-tiled sanctuaries and lathered myself with a new bar of a famous toilet soap which Helen had put in my bag .
10 If I may speak as one who has heard all the centenary lectures and restraining myself from being invidious , I will merely say : George , it was an admirable centenary lecture , and the huge spinning top of words , despite its complexity , kept the patterns clear and sharp and arguable .
11 I meowed a couple of times and steeled myself as she came over .
12 When he was offered the Rangers job , he told his estranged wife that there was no way he would become a sterotypical manager ‘ working all hours and driving myself crazy ’ .
13 ‘ I would like to spend one year here , continue my studies and test myself against the best British players . ’
14 That 's why I crawl down holes and chuck myself off cliffs and ride the bike — it 's been the only way I could feel alive , but since I met you I 've come alive in other ways , ways I 'd forgotten long ago .
15 If human communication were a simple matter of reciprocally exchanged words , if words had no resonances beyond themselves , I might have been proud to be cast in such a role , and either self-confident enough in my ability to fulfil it , or else realistic enough to modify my directives and declare myself in favour of some more modest role .
16 I will not list Frances ’ numerous qualities but content myself with saying that I know of no one who could fill her position as well as she … ’
17 By this time I was convinced that nothing could work and that I would have to spend the rest of my life obsessed with food , hating my body , eating every day to the point of pain , and desperately frightened if I could n't find any laxatives or make myself sick .
18 When I look at the European Community I see foreign policy and internal security pillars and ask myself how well the Government have been able to keep them purely intergovernmental and how many commitments we are making that will damage British interests in the future .
19 While most people might be familiar with throwing out mouldy bread and mouldy cheese , like my friends all around me , I was continually having to throw out mouldy furniture , clothes and toys and found myself having to choose between feeding my hungry children or hungry fuel meters which kept demanding more and more money .
20 I put my toe into his cupped hands and hoist myself up on to the wall .
21 It was excruciatingly embarrassing to read the quotes and find myself coming over as a lonely , crusading ‘ woman who waits ’ .
22 With the best counselling in the world , it is n't possible for a person like me , sometimes feeling guilty at even being alive , firm in my belief that I have only to breathe to be a nuisance , to suddenly switch through 180 degrees and see myself as white or even grey after seeing myself as black for sixty years .
23 I was spitting with fear and frustration as I yanked on some clothes and flung myself into the control area .
24 I perfected the technique of entering my bedsit without anyone hearing me or noticing me , but eventually it became impossible to stay there ad infinitum without paying my rent , so I took all my military kit and some clothes and set myself up in the changing room at the barracks .
25 I did my best to oppose er , these new er , schemes and found myself in the majority of one quite often .
26 Then I dismissed the students and turned myself loose on the streets of Salamanca , under the burning sun of an Indian summer , trying to get my emotions under control .
27 Recently I sold a number of ‘ profit share ’ shares and found myself left with six shares which I had received as a dividend .
28 I learned to read the galley proofs and familiarised myself with printers ' hieroglyphics .
29 No , oh yes , nick all the cards and played myself on the tune
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