Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] [noun] watched " in BNC.

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1 Crowds of kids and adults watched in admiration .
2 Scores of shoppers and traders watched the fight spill onto the road stopping traffic .
3 About 150 Damaras and Hereros watched a dozen young village girls dancing in skirts and T-shirts bearing the colours of Namibia 's United Democratic Front , a broad alliance of eight political parties .
4 He made signs with his hands and fingers and Corbett watched fascinated as Benstede replied using identical gestures .
5 I 've had the stations and ports watched , I 've kept a permanent watch on all those locations usually associated with the Irish movement , and I 've turned up nothing . "
6 The wildman of Guns N' Roses watched horrified as a herd of elephants charged towards his friends .
7 Buddleias were growing out of the gutters and doves watched her stone-still , looking like part of the masonry .
8 The village mothers and children watched in uneasy silence .
9 Here some of the younger women had thrown down their tools and gathered in a big circle , singing and dancing , while older women and children watched from the sidelines , shouting encouragement .
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