Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] perhaps a " in BNC.

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1 For this reason , soldiers on yet another emergency tour in Ulster with the 1st Battalion The Royal Scots approach their frequent foot patrols with perhaps an extra edge of caution and respect .
2 A typical training programme usually takes the form of a series of workshops , sometimes in a residential setting , lasting around three days with perhaps a follow-up day a few months later .
3 Almost any substantial group of buildings with perhaps a shop , or village hall is today called a village and this leads to great confusion , both for researchers looking at earlier arrangements , and for the inhabitants for whom finer definitions are not needed .
4 What in fact these experiments provide , in the absence of vocal speech , are a series of artificial analogues which can , with interest , be compared to the early learning efforts of perhaps a 2-year-old infant .
5 Ask one of the residents to devise the questions on perhaps a different theme each week .
6 teaching-machine-style programs with perhaps a certain degree of branching , and leading to interactive video ;
7 Briefly , if a church , for example , wanted to raise money , the ladies of the congregation organised themselves into small groups , often into pairs , and each group distributed invitations to perhaps a dozen or fourteen friends to a tea to be held in the church hall or some other suitable place .
8 By any normal standards , the Al Fayed brothers had been rich men for perhaps a decade or even two .
9 By the early 1960s only two small herds of perhaps a dozen pedigree animals remained and it was from these that the society , revived yet again in 1982 and with the help of various organisations including the Rare Breeds Survival Trust , formed a new herdbook in 1983 in an attempt to save the breed from extinction .
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