Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] reasonable [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The offeror will need to show that he has been unable to trace the shareholders after reasonable enquiry , that the shares for which acceptances have been received when added to those held by untraceable shareholders amount to not less than the 90 per cent threshold , and that the consideration offered is fair and reasonable .
2 At a previous consultation committee , Mr Smith probably said something like : ‘ In support of the proposal , there is no doubt that the policy of co-operation is essential , but I would like to sound a note of caution to ensure certain inbuilt safeguards of reasonable limitation of commitment . ’
3 ‘ Throughout the year and at the year end , ’ the report says , ‘ individual assessments are made of each loan in respect of which the underlying property is in the possession of the Society to ascertain whether a loss is likely and to estimate any such losses with reasonable accuracy , taking into account the likely selling prices of the properties .
4 The manorial style was what Robert Forbes had been accustomed to portray in his early days in Hollywood , when Paramount had tagged him ‘ the young Ronald Colman ’ and cast him in half a dozen minor heroic roles with reasonable success .
5 Sometimes the 1949 recording is a trifle overwhelmed , but by and large it absorbs the heavy demands with reasonable fidelity .
6 The SIB defines " liquidity " as the ability of a market to accommodate transactions of reasonable size at acceptable price spreads in a short space of time .
7 However , it would seem that selling sizeable tracts of reasonable quality ( by local standards ) is considered to be the behaviour of speculators and/or simply short-sighted .
8 From the evidence of the Forest rolls , however , they seem to have discharged their duties with reasonable efficiency as far as ordinary poachers were concerned .
9 This may , in fact , already be the position as far as executive directors are concerned , in that they are employees and it is usual for the court to imply a term in employment contracts to the effect that employees will carry out their duties with reasonable care and skill .
10 The City Grant will be given to private-sector development projects that would not otherwise be implemented , and that can benefit run-down inner-city areas at reasonable cost .
11 Most LDCs ' governments with reasonable oil potential or prospects establish a state-owned oil corporation either to operate independently , or to enter into joint ventures with major international oil corporations , e.g. Exxon , Royal Dutch/Shell .
12 Mountpax offer a complete presentation package for prints , art cards , postcards or photographs and offer professionally cut bevel-edge mounts , re-usable sleeves and backing boards at reasonable cost .
13 There were four builders in the survey whose access to cheaper materials and adequate equipment allowed provision of buildings at reasonable cost .
14 Tremayne bore the jokes with reasonable fortitude , cheered by the absence of enquiry or even remarks from the Jockey Club , not even strictures about ‘ bringing racing into disrepute ’ , which I 'd learned was the yardstick for in-house punishment .
15 Many teachers are able to function pretty well and to keep their doubts and feelings under reasonable control .
16 ‘ without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road ’ Means that reasonable consideration was not shown , e.g. where a pedestrian is splashed by a car going through an obviously large puddle which could have been avoided , where headlights are left on full beam , so as to become a potential or an actual hazard , or when a driver changes lanes without reasonable consideration for other road users .
17 Overseas markets too are affected , for only if they can reach ports at reasonable cost and efficiency can goods be readily exported .
18 Incidentally , nails and screws of reasonable size , put in with reasonable care , do not weaken the wood , as a whole , in any measurable way , * in other words wood is astonishingly resistant to stress concentrations .
19 The equipment in all the workshops was rudimentary , but items of reasonable quality were produced and sold , some of them on a stall outside the front gate of the prison .
20 ‘ Apart from floating the shares , we are also seeking loans at reasonable interest rates from the World Bank , ’ Minister of State for Communications Sukh Ram announced at the Asia Telecom trade show in Singapore yesterday .
21 6.3 shall keep complete and accurate records showing all information that is necessary for the full computation and verification of the royalties payable to under this Agreement , and shall permit any authorized agent of to examine and inspect such records at all reasonable times on reasonable notice not more than one time in any calendar year .
22 The committee needs to be large enough to provide a mix of skills and experience and to permit fruitful discussion encompassing different viewpoints , but small enough to take effective decisions with reasonable speed .
23 Only the blessings of a continuing income from North Sea oil kept the balance of payments in reasonable condition , but even here the emergence of the pound as a ‘ petro-currency ’ ( along with high interest rates ) led to its appreciation in value to the cost of British exports .
24 WordPerfect in the UK has an ongoing upgrade policy — the company likes to see its users keeping abreast of the times , and offers upgrades to new versions of its programs at reasonable cost .
25 ‘ Judged by any objective standards of reasonable compensation or necessity or proportionality , the award of £250,000 was excessive . ’
26 Other individual fluctuations can be assigned to specific causes with reasonable certainty .
27 The answer , to be complete , should have stated the crimes for which the driver may be prosecuted ( manslaughter , causing death by reckless driving , or , in the magistrates ' court , driving without due care and attention ) ; it should have stated the requirements of each crime , so far as relevant ; and it should have pointed out that the burden of proving these requirements beyond reasonable doubt lies on the prosecution .
28 It is interesting to note that many fast bowlers during the 1920s and 1930s employed a long-off when bowling to Woolley , who was also , of course , a very useful slow left-arm bowler , who could probably be entrusted to get through 10 overs at reasonable cost .
29 The area is surrounded by major tourist venues within reasonable distance , including Warwick Castle , Coventry Cathedral , Stratford-on-Avon , Woburn Abbey , and the university cities of Cambridge and Oxford .
30 It will be held in a central location , perhaps Leeds or York , and we shall send details to alumni within reasonable travelling distance and to anyone who ticks the box on the questionnaire to say they are interested .
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