Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] along [art] " in BNC.

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1 ARIES — A YEAR dominated by Uranus , Neptune , Saturn and Pluto can not be easy , and Arieans must expect to face some difficulties and setbacks somewhere along the line .
2 And — oh , she also wanted — no , desired — to stroke his smiling face , to run the tips of her fingers gently along the dreadful scar to show that she loved every part of him , to …
3 And on housing estates all along the line , residents came out to watch the strange scene .
4 And on housing estates all along the line , residents came out to watch the strange scene .
5 The official last car was E/3 Class , No. 1941 , which left Purley terminus at 11.24 p.m. crowded to capacity and there were crowds all along the road .
6 There were new houses and offices all along the road from his village to Port au Prince .
7 There were numerous abrasions and paint losses especially along the edges , and certain areas , for example the backgrounds , had been heavily overpainted .
8 From Drewsteignton a steep lane drops to Fingle Bridge and from here the route heads upstream along the gorge , picking its way through woodland which grows thickly right to the water 's edge .
9 In my old age the very idea of coping with agents , tenants , taxes , VAT , the Ministry of Agriculture , local authorities and demands all along the line , appals .
10 The resort 's elegant boutiques , restaurants and amusements are just a few steps away along the promenade and the sandy beach is across the main road .
11 Kim turned– tensing , hearing the soft murmur of voices further along the corridor , then relaxed .
12 Looking at the behaviour of costs as we increase all outputs proportionately along the ray we have a picture like figure 2.5a .
13 so we used to have walks sometimes along the front .
14 It 's still before dawn on a summer 's day in 1989 and the sleek limousine cruises effortlessly along the Pacific Highway towards the Village Roadshow film studios .
15 He says the victim was walking to her home just a few minutes away along a very busy street .
16 Kicking off her sandals , she curled her legs up beside her , running slim fingers absently along the silky golden skin of her shins , her grey eyes unfocused as she gazed out of the window .
17 He made his way slowly along the dust track as rickets had disabled his knees and the only way he could move was to shuffle his bare feet slowly along the hard-packed mud track .
18 The offer from the planners was that his unit would be expanded and that he would afterwards be given a free hand to harry the German supply lines all along the coast .
19 Very few people are known to have been killed directly by the explosions , great though they were , but no less than 36,000 died when the tsunamis ripped over low-lying areas all along the coasts , overwhelming towns and villages .
20 Pipe loops carefully along the railings all the way round , and allow to dry .
21 Space the brackets equally along the moulding , and screw in place — one screw per bracket
22 During James V 's personal rule , however , two new factors came into play , which shifted Scottish attitudes further along the road towards friendship with England rather than automatic hostility .
23 The overwhelming need was just for more films and so nobody really worried if there were a few strange films somewhere along the spectrum and similarly , as there was a need for lots of directors and cameramen , there was no harm in making films which allowed them to gain experience .
24 A close relative of Hector 's , the Chilean black dolphin , is caught in surface gill-nets all along the Chilean coast , its only habitat .
25 A Squadron was to be divided into six parties , to attack targets all along the coast between Tobruk and the immediate area to the rear of the enemy front line .
26 " There were fine buildings all along the river , a long avenue of palm trees , perfectly straight , beautiful mosques and many beautiful houses .
27 The old boy had lost his marbles somewhere along the line .
28 Although the loss of the transports assembled or under construction at Le Havre delivered a serious blow to the French plans , others were still being built or collected at ports all along the Bay of Biscay , from Lorient [ or L'Orient ] to Bayonne , including Nantes , La Rochelle and Bordeaux , and the plan , as the English government knew , was for them to assemble at Brest , where the Commander-in-Chief of the naval side of the invasion , Admiral Conflans [ Hubert de Brienne , Comte de Conflans ] had arrived in early July .
29 Another is the sawfly , which lays its eggs always along the midrib of the leaf , and with them a hormone that causes the leaves to roll up from the edges in to enclose and protect the emerging larvae in a neat tubular hideaway .
30 When completed , they will help maintain the water levels right along the river .
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