Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pers pn] seemed to " in BNC.

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1 Like all Scots he seemed to her intelligent and well-bred , but uniquely devoted after he saved her from two carriage accidents and two assailants .
2 More and more fruits they seemed to be importing in those days , all colours .
3 In these circumstances it seemed to Napoleon III that the Entente needed a boost and so came the first essay in Court diplomacy , the state visit to England in 1855 at the request of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert .
4 Halcyon days they seemed to me now , for Leslie was within reach , and was not in action .
5 At times we seemed to be on an unavoidable collision course with menacing sharp edged rocks , only to be swept clear by the current at the last minute .
6 In spite of his efforts he seemed to be able to do no more than mumble .
7 The sun shone over everything , sparkling on the water , and what with that and her own tears it seemed to Ruth that the sea was scattered with diamonds .
8 To most , if not all , British trade union leaders it seemed to be suicide to follow Larkin 's " fiery cross " into a confrontation with the state in circumstances in which it was clear that their members would not follow them ; why should they make such a sacrifice for Larkin when they had been unwilling to do so only a year earlier for the London dockers ?
9 Faced with the implacable hostility of the Dwarfs it seemed to him foolish to maintain huge armies overseas , particularly with a more pressing threat to the Elf heartland .
10 When she peered through her fingers it seemed to her that the butterfly was quite happy in its warm cage : not a flutter from its four wings as she proceeded carefully along the box-edged paths that led back to the green garden door .
11 The old stone walls closed about her , so that at times it seemed to be suffocatingly hot , and she found herself putting up a hand to her throat .
12 And when things were going against his men he seemed to be suffering mental agonies .
13 Both were subject to easily measured norms , timetables and co-ordinated planning : therefore of all systems they seemed to be the most suitable for the immediate application of Taylorism and what Lenin called ‘ the precision of clockwork ’ .
14 And to be company for him in his old age among this sorority of Slavonic women he seemed to be siring .
15 The lawyer never spoke to anyone , never smiled and never lifted his eyes from the innumerable papers he seemed to be reading through his monocle .
16 Sometimes it appeared that the police and the media were christening subsequent sex beasts as variants of The Fox , while , much more rarely , on other occasions it seemed to be the offender who took up the mantle .
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