Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] looked at " in BNC.

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1 I turned away , no longer able to face the eyes that looked at me so coldly in the gleam of the dashboard light .
2 I sat with my head between my legs and looked at the dirt-encrusted toenails of the silent Yugoslavian on my left until-'Jennings ' was called from the next room .
3 Robbie averted her eyes from those muscular legs and looked at him consideringly .
4 He had seen it happen , like a click of the fingers , the start of life , when the foal opened its eyes and looked at him .
5 He opened his eyes and looked at her .
6 Nell raised her eyes and looked at the rest of the body ; and caught her breath .
7 If you half-closed your eyes and looked at it you might have likened it to a string of coloured beads .
8 She opened her eyes and looked at Thérèse .
9 After a long pause Clare opened her eyes and looked at Caro .
10 The man turned sideways in the bushes and looked at Lok along his shoulder .
11 The two men , who had temporarily forgotten her presence in the heat of argument , turned their heads and looked at her .
12 The sheep lifted their heads and looked at him as he passed by but they made no sound .
13 He leaned back on his heels and looked at Willie .
14 Alice sat back on her heels and looked at her sister .
15 He licked his lips and looked at Bodo who , grim-faced , shrugged .
16 Mrs Stych pursed her heavily painted lips and looked at Mrs Frizzell as if she feared for Mrs Frizzell 's mental health .
17 Charles did n't say anything , but controlled his lips and looked at his float .
18 She pursed her lips and looked at Thérèse .
19 He pursed his lips and looked at her with a frown .
20 Putting on her stethoscope , she sounded his heart very carefully , then lifted his lips and looked at his gums .
21 Several trials that looked at cancer prevention were not considered within the scope of this analysis .
22 He blew out his fat , purpled cheeks , dug his hands deep in his breeches pockets and looked at the sky with a martyred air .
23 She stood by the glittering bottles and looked at him expectantly .
24 Now , we 've used this technique in invasive bladder cancer , and we 've quantified the micro-vascularity in a group of invasive cancers and looked at the prognosis and metastasis .
25 I was enjoying this small social triumph , but then a girl sitting on the other side of the pool lowered her book , took off her sunglasses and looked at me .
26 He got to his feet and looked at both of them in tem .
27 Dr Robert Runcie visited the Vatican archives and looked at original documents relating to the split between the the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches in the sixteenth century .
28 She tore her eyes from the magnificent frescoes and looked at Nicolo .
29 We ran into the warm waves like little children , and swam and did duck dives and looked at the strangely corrugated sand under the water , and kept an eye open for jellyfish and pointed shells and silver fishes in the groves of coral that cropped up here and there along the sea bed .
30 He took the cheroot from between his teeth and looked at me gravely .
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