Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [be] several " in BNC.

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1 Is he aware that among women serving life sentences in Bullwood Hall women 's prison for murdering their husbands there are several whose lack of command of English meant that they were not aware that there was anywhere that they could run to , that some women who had tried to run away from extreme brutality were dragged back by their families , and that some were terrified of leaving their children with a brutal partner , and that therefore they had to wait until they could do something about it and were driven to commit murder ?
2 Within a few months there were several dozen mediums offering their services .
3 In liquids and solutions there are several factors leading to broadening of the vibrational band , even in the absence of rotation envelopes .
4 I arrived there on a planeload of Canadian oil-drillers who were several inches taller than me even without their high-heeled boots .
5 In many countries there are several companies operating in different product and service areas .
6 But even among the Spanish dealers there are several notable defections , the most serious of which are Theo , La Maquina Espanola , Oliva Arauna and Pepe Cobo 's gallery of collaboration with Brooke Alexander and John Weber .
7 In many years there were several .
8 Within fifty years there were several silk factories employing four hundred to eight hundred persons , but the silk industry was of secondary importance and did not initiate the factory system .
9 As well as defining what you want and making a list of questions there are several additional steps you can take to ensure you get the best possible results from your appointment with a general practitioner .
10 Notes There are several flights of stairs and only the auditorium is wheelchair accessible .
11 In more severe cases there are several patches and they sometimes join up to form large , irregular-shaped bald areas .
12 Underlying this broad level of agreement across the generations there are several significant age variations within the elderly population .
13 In support of these publications there are several general reference books of value .
14 If you want somewhere peaceful and quiet , away from work and life 's pressures there are several communities that offer retreats .
15 No child could be expected to enjoy the experience , but for refugee children there were several factors which made evacuation more than typically painful .
16 From either of these points there were several paths to be taken : a few orders could go directly to the Great Seal , but most had initially to go either to the Signet or to the Privy Seal , sometimes to both .
17 In Lully 's operas there are several explicit examples of four-part writing for oboes or flutes : in the Prologue to Atys , for example , the ‘ Entrée des Zéphirs ’ alternates phrases between a five-part string orchestra and a four-part oboe band .
18 At the time I am speaking of , over and above the crofters with their tiny , and often sub-divided , holdings there were several thousand squatters in Lewis .
19 In large specimens there are several rounded blunt or often spine-like superficial apical papillae barely distinguishable from the ventralmost teeth ; in smaller specimens there are fewer papillae , often only one .
20 If much of your poor performance in these ‘ interviews ’ stems from nerves there are several positive steps you can take to help you become more relaxed ( see pp. 39 — 44 ) .
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