Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] britain [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The collection and computerization of data will form the basis for investigation of six areas of Korean development which are considered to be under-researched by both Koreans and Korean specialists , and which are of relevance both to development policy and to the identification of future potential economic opportunities for Britain in South Korea as well as the future impact of Korea on the world economy .
2 One of the dominant social characteristics of Britain over the past fifty years has been the degree of upward social mobility of those whose parents held traditional working-class jobs .
3 Lewis and Townsend describe the North-South divide as ‘ one of the distinctive characteristics of Britain in the 1980s ’ .
4 Flight attitude , head pattern , plumes and short bill all separate crane from Grey Heron ( p. 35 ) , but beware habit in some country districts of Britain of still calling herons ‘ cranes ’ .
5 One which has much to commend it is Great Medieval Castles of Britain by James Forde-Johnston ( London 1979 ) , for it contains , in addition to many photographs and line drawings , a good bibliography , and provides historical perspectives — political , military and architectural .
6 Each one is beautifully illustrated with a different theme , capturing a variety of aspects of Britain at its best .
7 The only permanent outcome of all Lord Leverhulme 's grandiose scheme was a chain of fish shops throughout Britain with the improbable name of MacFisheries .
8 Unlike the work of finance or even the public sector , women have been influential in the presentation of the visual arts in Britain for some time , Sally Townsend talks to Annely Juda and Angela Flowers , two women who started in the gallery business with young children , whose lives came together briefly when they ran galleries next door to each other , two women who , together with their sons , help to shape work on show in central London
9 There is an underlying hostility to the arts in Britain on the part of the mass of people and that , I think , is a result of the way in which the arts have become associated in many people 's minds with snobbery , with money and , in the case of Scotland , with anglicisation .
10 The National Art Collections Fund announced the winners of its awards for outstanding contributions to the visual arts in Britain on 15 April .
11 But how do those western women feel , for example , who having lived with their Indian husbands in Britain for years , are suddenly thrust into the bosom of the joint family , even temporarily .
12 It would have reduced the number of manufacturers in Britain from three to two .
13 The Friendly Societies were indeed the largest exclusively working-class organizations in Britain by 1900 .
14 A number of publications in the area suggest , however , that there are probably no more than 100 communes in Britain at any one time .
15 The effects of high divorce rates characteristic of the post-1960s in Britain upon family structures , filial responsibility and grandparenthood remain largely unknown but will probably have a profound influence upon the experience of ageing for future generations of older people .
16 Now it would maybe not be appropriate if there was to be an alternative government bill that would deal with these type of matters er in front of us and please to say that when I read out the list of sponsors , it 'll be shown there are people from all parties , or all parties in Britain in this house , who are true democrats .
17 ‘ My brief is to channel funds from Britain into the Province .
18 Japan 's second largest car maker , Nissan , is to cut its links with Nissan UK , the privately owned company that has had exclusive distribution rights for its cars in Britain for 21 years .
19 Mr Campbell was inspired to set up the fair by the publication last year of an Arts Council pamphlet which gave names and addresses of those producing books in Britain at the present and his fair is concentrating on British work .
20 The Christmas tree has been part of the festivities in Britain since the last century .
21 Although the simplicity of these pavements renders them less informative than many other arrangements they do present one of the clearest pictures in Britain of a uniformity in general design .
22 Britain 's rich holdings in painted glass roundels , around 2,500 in all , receive detailed attention in corpus vitrearum medii aevi : Great Britain , Summary : a catalogue of Netherlandish and North European Roundels in Britain by William Cole ( £60 ) .
23 In 1972 the number of houses used as second homes in Britain as a whole was estimated at 372000 , but it is believed that this number has declined in recent years due to the inflation in house prices since that date .
24 But so wide are the left 's woes — in the past few years , they have affected socialist parties from Britain at one end of Europe to Greece at the other — that it is worth considering the possibility that something else is at work , too : the body of ideas that socialists used to represent has lost so much electoral support that socialist parties , at least in their old guise , are doomed .
25 The British answer was that they would prefer to view the present difficulty in the wider context of the general European refugee situation , but that they might be prepared to consider possible subsequent entry of the Jews to Britain after their return to Germany .
26 The 1971 Act also effectively discriminated against black workers by the introduction of the concept of ‘ patrials ’ , which was intended to distinguish persons with close ties to Britain from those without and give them the right to reside in Britain .
27 And Mr Ashdown has been projected in photo opportunities across Britain as the best leader the country will never have .
28 Martin Sheldrick , of the British Museum ( Natural History ) has investigated and catalogued the cetacean strandings around Britain in modern times .
29 It is that by studying the OS maps of Britain for long enough , one will inevitably discover some surprising , but nevertheless still chance , alignments — just as if one plays patience for long enough one will inevitably win .
30 Class time We look at maps of Britain in 1840 , 1890 and today .
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