Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] his eye " in BNC.

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1 The oldest and most worn-out woodcut , representing King Pippin , Two Shoes , or the grim Soldan , sitting with three staring blots for his eyes and mouth , his sceptre in one hand , and his five fingers raised and spread in admiration at the feats of the Gallant London Apprentice , can not excite in me a feeling of ingratitude .
2 It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dimness , and he remained still , blinking hard , making out the man standing directly in front of him holding the shotgun , while on the stairs to his left another person — a woman ? — was also holding what looked like a small pistol on him .
3 No matter how certain he might be immediately before he closed his eyes that there was plenty of space in front of him , no matter how positive he was as he walked with eyes closed that he was n't veering off to one side and there was tarmac under his feet rather than grass , he still found it very hard , almost impossible , to walk more than about twenty paces with his eyes closed .
4 He burnt both retinas in his eyes , but was thankfully treated by a doctor in time , and has since completely recovered .
5 The images from his eyes faded and blurred .
6 And yet still she stood there , transfixed by the demands in his eyes , powerless to move .
7 Purple lines floated on the surfaces of his eyes , coming briefly into focus , then retreating into vague smudges .
8 In the corners of his eyes there were grains of sand .
9 Ember 's gaze slid out of the corners of his eyes .
10 Haavikko looked from one to the other , then , smiling fiercely at him , tears brimming at the corners of his eyes , he reached out and took Karr 's hand .
11 And he gave me one of his really wicked looks out of the corners of his eyes .
12 He stood looking at Fael-Inis from the corners of his eyes , like a trapped hare .
13 Could he not deliver just one of them , he had asked , looking at Goibniu slyly from the corners of his eyes .
14 Despite the lines of exhaustion bracketing his mouth and etched at the outer corners of his eyes , his gaze gleamed dangerously .
15 He moved towards her , opening his arms , and I saw there were tears at the corners of his eyes .
16 He laughed , the corners of his eyes crinkling attractively .
17 Luke grinned , throwing into contrast the tiny creases round his mouth , and at the corners of his eyes .
18 Crilly , I 'll tell you about the sparkle of Belgravia , the shimmer of white marble , a sumptuous , salubrious white , the sugary white of fluffy friendship , cloudship , feely white , and the slim cobblestone road which led to the river where I met James who was fresh from Waterstone 's with his arms full of Pinter plays , O he was as a young Terence Stamp , Crilly , but for the sly cracks of wisdom about the corners of his eyes , and we drank espresso and he told me about Spain and the high mountains of India , and the Pyrenees he had taken on foot , and though I was as trite as my shopping Saturdays and my small muggy and squirming palms in summertime , he painted my body swirly-lined and peach upon a large canvas and made love to me upon the tip of the Heath with all of London a basin of rooftops beneath us while the sky loomed low in grey and pink , the Heath a dark pudding of sloping mountains , wild and white and wide as Brontë country , with only the smug suburban cliffs of Highgate Village peering from behind its sprawling hem , and big dogs scurried like brown birds to the crevice of foothills and then disappeared , so we made love for a while beneath that sky , which cast a blaze upon us the colour of cream .
19 She could see the dark gold lashes feathering his broad cheekbones , and the tiny lines radiating out from the corners of his eyes .
20 Killion watched from the corners of his eyes .
21 He felt a throbbing strain at the outer corners of his eyes , and pressed them with his finger-tips .
22 The irises of his eyes were almost large enough to exclude the whites and they were coloured light green like grapes and flecked with gold .
23 The golden irises of his eyes seemed to have expanded , and with his head held too high he appeared to be staring at the ceiling .
24 As he stowed everything in the boot , Ashley noticed dark smudges beneath his eyes .
25 The reason for this was the bright point of light that had popped into existence a few feet from his eyes .
26 Now , he half turns and looks my way , love for the reindeer bones in his eyes and woofs merrily at me .
27 Adolf Hitler was at a military hospital in Pasewalk in Pomerania , recovering from burns to his eyes after a British gas attack at Ypres , when on 10 November 1918 a pastor brought him news of the armistice .
28 A thud of chopping — movement between the tree trunks — a labourer was coming towards him , one of the consignment of convicts he had ordered through a merchant in Bideford , he had his machete in his hand , he was not menacing , he held out his spare hand in a strange appeal , lifting his face , which was crossed by deep scars , wounds across his eyes had puckered them right in so that he moved like a blind sleeper , closer and closer — Sir John woke up sweating , surprised to find himself alone , and then remembered : he had been drinking with his cousin Alexander Menzies of Bolfracks , the last bottle must have sent him under .
29 Rob 's laughter rang out in the cosy room , the faint white lines around his eyes wrinkling against his winter tan .
30 There were just a few strands of grey in his hair , faint lines around his eyes and the sensuous mouth .
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