Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] available to " in BNC.

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1 In this chapter we will channel our energies into opening up the contradictory facets of our personalities and explore the different voices , different tones of voice , that these contradictions make available to us .
2 This identifies the sources of funds made available to a bank and their utilisation in order to make profits .
3 By the middle of the 1950s Reagan was no longer in great demand as a film actor , but new opportunities became available to him in television .
4 This results in the Collectair library gaining valuable notes , all of which is carefully filed away for use as and when the archive that has been created over the past few years becomes available to students of aviation history .
5 In accordance with powers made available to it under the new Constitution enacted in July 1991 [ see p. 38332 ] , the government issued a decree on April 23 placing the entire country under a state of emergency for four days to combat a serious energy shortage .
6 The resources made available to the peasantry to purchase land through the Peasant Bank ( 1883 ) were niggardly compared to those available to the nobility , and accounted for a small proportion of the land the peasants managed to acquire .
7 In spite of these problems , the proposals do have the potential for righting the current gross geographical imbalance of services , though only if the resources made available to and by local authorities genuinely match the local costs of domiciliary and residential care .
8 That is a special allocation , in addition to the normal resources made available to local authorities to support their inner-area programmes of social and economic regeneration .
9 The company is also making the rights offering available to holders of American Depositary Shares .
10 Details and a map of a proposed division of Ethiopia into 12 autonomous regions became available to foreign journalists in early November .
11 Twenty boreholes were logged as part of the BGS Core mapping programme , of which fifteen had been drilled specifically for the programme , and five were pre-existing water-supply boreholes made available to BGS .
12 New sentences became available to the courts with the passage of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 , and quite right too .
13 Erm what place erm does the convenor see being made in the legal processes to make available to estranged couples the opportunity for erm voluntary conciliation between the parties ?
14 There are various historical reference points made available to us , by which it is said we can chart Britain 's fall from grace .
15 The social impact of this structural change had been foreshadowed by the temporary effects of the graphite boom of 1898 — 9 , when relatively high wages became available to many previously underemployed people .
16 Marketers said the ad campaign would enter a second phase in June , when tickets become available to the general public .
17 Voluntary Severance that staff will have individual voluntary Severance options made available to them for a limited period .
18 Given that the Republic of Ireland does not pay the tuition fees of the few Scottish students in the Republic , is that additional burden on Scottish universities taken into account and are larger grants made available to those universities on that basis ?
19 I began work this morning , together with my Secretary , Mr S Summerchild , and a clerical assistant , Mrs L Padmore , in the premises made available to us by the Government Commission .
20 The need for confidentiality between intermediary and client means that an investor is generally unable to assess the worth of the variety of services made available to him .
21 A separate source of unresponsiveness to the consumer ‘ electorate ’ derives from the fact that since companies have control over the goods and services made available to the public , consumers can not positively ‘ vote ’ for the production of goods with the particular characteristics that best suit their requirements , but can only ‘ veto ’ the products they are actually offered .
22 ( 2 ) Conflict with the general practitioner 's role as the patient 's advocate — Fundholding gives general practitioners an explicit and visible responsibility for rationing the health services made available to their own patients .
23 Having developed the framework for central co-ordination , the range of time sharing services made available to group or site departments now extends considerably beyond the facilities offered by GIS for the autonomous generation of information .
24 Similar training methods were used and , with the publication of many of the ILT materials ( Yates , Christmas and Wilson , 1981 ) these approaches became available to a wider range of trainers .
25 Government cuts are forcing the TECs to cut the budgets made available to individual schemes .
26 Government cuts are forcing the TECs to cut the budgets made available to individual schemes .
27 The plaintiffs , that is the Lebanon , Croatia and Hungary , will be anxious to see those parts of Sotheby 's evidence which had been blacked out in the documents made available to them , and then only shown to the court .
28 The first is that , as we shall see , the letter of appeal will be included in documents made available to the tribunal in advance of the hearing and a good clear account will ensure that the chairman and members are clear about the claimant 's grievance .
29 The main source for agreements was shown to be the Soviet official International Treaty series backed up by other evidence , and the figures for disbursement were compiled largely from evidence extracted from the BBC 's Summary of World Broadcasts , from documents made available to the researcher at the Friedrich Ebertstiftung Institut in Bonn and at OECD in Paris and , in a few cases , by personal visits and observation .
30 Whilst the admission of the Law Lords made available to the House one particular type of needed expertise , it effected no significant general improvement .
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