Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] put their " in BNC.

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1 Below us rows of lads have put their winklepickers up on the backs of the seats , their feet crossed at the ankles , perching like a flock of shiny blackbirds with pointed wings .
2 To date four firm candidates have put their names forward to fight the traditionally safe Conservative East Hampshire seat .
3 Georgians have put their faith in Mr Shevardnadze as the man who can ‘ save ’ their country .
4 VIC Reeves ' parents have put their Darlington house on the market to stop the comedian 's fans hounding them .
5 It will require extensive amendment to the Bill , but given the Committee 's progress in considering part I , and given the positive way in which Opposition Members have put their case , I am happy to undertake to table amendments on Report to keep the option open to establish a funding council for further education . ’
6 Smith let his imagination go in his variations on the original theme , with the result that muralists , stained-glass artists and interior decorators have put their stamps on it .
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