Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] [be] told " in BNC.

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1 A stall holder who 's been selling fruit and veg for the last eighteen months has been told he 's no longer allowed to sell the vegetables .
2 But the animals had been told to go forth and multiply .
3 One reported that safety inspectors had been told " not to find too many faults " .
4 Lifelong Swindon Town football fans have been told they 'll miss one of the biggest games in the club 's history — because they 're disabled .
5 Pupils received a pat on the back for satisfactory learning and community work but heads have been told to review some management and teaching methods .
6 Drivers have been told they should use the A167 route instead .
7 In the same memorandum of April 1986 that eventually brought down the whole house of cards — the memorandum that mentioned the diversion of funds to the contras — an extraordinary phrase appeared : ‘ The Iranians have been told that our presence in Iran is ‘ a holy commitment ’ . ’
8 Er we did erm er go through the selection procedure with internal candidates but were unable to appoint , and so therefore are advertising that in the press in the normal way er although both candidates have been told that they may reapply .
9 They 've got a long list , and I assume that the non long listed candidates have been told ?
10 A woman who has shivered through two winters and still faced large gas bills has been told the wrong meter was being read .
11 She stood on the steps of the court , and told the crowd gathered there that the parents had been told they would have to wait to hear whether the Place of Safety orders had been confirmed , or whether their children would be returning home .
12 The information had been furnished by the French underground , and , as the crews had been told , there was no way of knowing if the information was correct .
13 Shopkeepers have been told they ca n't protect themselves against ramraiders and smash and grab attacks because they 're in a conservation area .
14 Traffic wardens and police patrols have been told to watch for motorists who might attempt to break the rules .
15 Despite the government 's commitment to bring water up to EC standards , she claims , some water companies have been told that they need not fear prosecution if they continue to fall below these levels .
16 Pig and poultry companies have been told that they must export more meat or go out of business , because profits from sales here have fallen by fifty per cent .
17 The vast majority of golfers have been told at one time or another how important the legs are in the game of golf .
18 BEER enthusiasts have been told not to be put off by the ‘ folky ’ image of Darlington 's Small Beer Festival .
19 A hotel that 's been flying the Union flag for more than sixty years has been told to get planning permission , or take it down .
20 A mass meeting of council workers has been told that redundancies are unavoidable .
21 Some Western reports claimed that Iraqi troops had been told that they were invading Israel and were deeply distressed when they found themselves in another Arab state .
22 Already one carefully leaked report has suggested that they will share a bed there , even though hotel workers have been told they prefer separate suites .
23 Workers have been told that , in the coming years , more than a thousand workers will lose their jobs .
24 ‘ Her grandparents have been told to expect the worst .
25 RESIDENTS barricaded in a condemned block of bedsits have been told that they stay there at their own risk .
26 Education officials have been told they must find £50,000 to keep them open for another year .
27 EC officials have been told that the market for vining peas and other processed vegetables is a volatile one , and area payments for vining peas could encourage excess production .
28 Prison officers had been told that he was a suicide risk .
29 The dead man and his colleagues would not be named until all families had been told , she added .
30 Cresswell believed that the ‘ dole business ’ in the south was responsible ; Cooper claimed that on election day ‘ when children went to get free dinners they were told to tell their parents that if Cooper was returned no more free dinners would be given ’ ; Coath said that electors had been told that if they voted for him ‘ they would get no more doles ’ ; and Clare had been accused of voting against the guardians ' grant of coal to the unemployed ( SE 11 November 22 ) .
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