Example sentences of "[art] window and [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 So , putting video into a window simply involves restricting the video image to the area designated as the window and replacing the background colour in that area by the video .
2 The man pulled up 100 yards behind and walked up to her car , banging on the window and demanding to be let in .
3 ‘ I fear we have to make a quick decision , ’ said Oliver ironically , looking out of the window and seeing a departing victoria .
4 Anyway , whatever , it got pretty popular for a bit before everyone got bored with it and went back to staring out of the window and hiding Brian Smart ( and his accessories ) in the stock cupboard .
5 By opening the window and leaning out , the parish church comes into view across the lane , a lonely building now , empty and cold and bare except for one hour each week .
6 I doubt that she 'll ever go upstairs again , ’ he added , going to the window and pushing aside the long red drapes .
7 The voice is still languishing , wasted in its rumpled bed , but the guitar is up with the sun , out the window and scaling such dizzy heights that it manages to drag the chorus into a deliciously wounded country yodel .
8 Changez stood there looking out of the window and scratching his arse , completely ignoring his father-in-law , who had no choice but to carry on with his explanation .
9 Now I find I 'm getting " inspired top-off-the-brain " signals and ideas while travelling in an aeroplane — at the window and looking out at the snowy cotton-wool cloud land ( no artificial stimulants ! ) .
10 ‘ For God 's sake , why ? ’ bleated Frye , returning to the window and looking out briefly into the night at the blurred wreck of the car in the forecourt .
11 No other words were needed and he stood , walking to the window and looking out at the courtyard that was bathed in sunlight .
12 She waited as the woman disappeared into one of the inner offices , moving to the window and taking a look down into the street .
13 Behind them a young man with a paint-flecked beard followed the designer about the set , twitching the hem of the velvet curtains hung at the window and rearranging the ornaments on the mantelpiece .
14 She went up to her room , put the Diary in her drawer and stood for a long time , breathing on the window and drawing faces .
15 He had been pointing out of the window and asking me if I liked the weather or the colour of the cows .
16 Noticing a badly dressed woman while driving in Knightsbridge , she ca n't restrain herself from rolling down the window and crying out ‘ Why ? ’ in sheer exasperation .
17 The fire flickered about the walls of the room , but the wind was howling outside , lashing snow against the window and darkening the afternoon .
18 But today the eyes were vibrant with an anticipatory light and Lady Merchiston sat up against her pillows , her glance alternately flicking to the window and following her companion as she moved about the room , tidying up .
19 He was sitting by the window and turning some pages of music .
20 ‘ Oh , dear me , ’ he said , standing back from the window and dusting himself down , wiping his face with a handkerchief .
21 Create this easy-to-make blind by cutting an oblong of fabric to fit the window and hemming all its edges .
22 To change the window 's shape , you can create width by extending the curtain fixture beyond the sides of the window and placing it as close as possible to the architrave at the top of the window .
23 Zelma , bless her , who has always regarded her son-in-law as a sort of concierge who somehow manages to throw up the odd masterpiece in between sitting at a desk , gazing uselessly out of the window and making endless messes in her kitchen with his coffee dregs and fag ash , had been popping into the study at fairly regular intervals , with unspecific enquiries .
24 Instead , I sent him one of me that I took one weekend , with the sun coming in the window and shining on my hair .
25 Scrolling through documents is noticeably faster , but the main boost is noticed when moving big chunks around the screen — grabbing a window and shifting it results in a much faster update than you would see with a bog standard VGA card — even a Tseng Labs ET4000 chip set unit ( the ET4000 chipset is probably the fastest of the non-accelerated chipsets ) .
26 ‘ Let's have a look , ’ said Lawler , marching to a window and opening it .
27 It 's like , sort of thefts of motor vehicles , we can reduce the theft of the actual vehicle , because there are security devices now to do that , to make it harder and you can not odds somebody coming along the street , throwing a brick through a window and grabbing your cassette out .
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