Example sentences of "[art] decision [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 The decision to retire is never an easy one for architects .
2 To take advantage of the effect of sample size , that is that the means of random samples will have a nearly normal distribution if the sample is large , the decision to readjust is based on sample means rather than individual measurements , justifying the use of the 3s limits .
3 To take advantage of the effect of sample size , that is that the means of random samples will have a nearly normal distribution if the sample is large , the decision to readjust is based on sample means rather than individual measurements , justifying the use of the 3 s limits .
4 In a written application for the review , lawyers said the decision to slaughter was made ‘ despite a significant lack of evidence of a connection between the food poisoning outbreak in Bedworth and the monastery ’ .
5 The decision impugned is a decision by the board of Lautro on 30 October 1990 to exercise its intervention powers so as to prohibit Norwich Union Life Insurance Society ( ‘ Norwich ’ ) and three associated companies from accepting any new investment business from Winchester or from soliciting investment business from the public through Winchester or any of its representatives .
6 BNFL is contesting the case , claiming the levels of radioactivity were harmless and that the decision to sell was purely financial .
7 The decision to sell was taken a year before the deal was done and the company looked at 11 different suitors before picking Shandwick .
8 A third way in which the courts have moved from considerations of procedural form to substance , is by interpreting the concept of fairness as allowing them to consider , in a general sense , whether the decision reached was fair and reasonable .
9 The decision is discussed more fully below , but it is of importance in the present context because the House of Lords explicitly disapproved of statements made in the Court of Appeal that a court could exercise a general power to consider whether the decision reached was fair and reasonable .
10 The decision to proceed was taken by the Slovak authorities immediately after the breakdown of EC-sponsored talks ( earlier bilateral talks having ended without agreement on Oct. 13 ) .
11 In the planning sphere it has been used to invalidate conditions attached to planning permission such as that the developer should construct an ancillary road over the frontage of the site at his own expense to which rights of passage should be given to others , and that a property developer should allow those on a council housing list to occupy the houses with security of tenure for 10 years.u The test has also been adopted in the context of industrial relations , though in this instance the decision attacked was upheld .
12 He has denied the decision to quit is linked to the Hagans case .
13 I think the decision made is disgusting .
14 In appraising the trial 's results it would therefore be helpful to know the indications for transfusion that applied at the Queen Mother 's Hospital during the trial and whether the decision to transfuse was made without knowledge of the policy on cord clamping .
15 The flexibility of ECP programmes , with issuance often taking place within a day of the decision to issue being taken , means that it is relatively easy to take advantage of such short term opportunities .
16 Harvey said later that he thought the decision had been harsh and added that there had been no warning given about time-wasting before the game , although he accepted that Tyson could have mentioned it to the players during the match , a fact confirmed by the referee as he left the ground .
17 But before the decision had been made Wilson was astonished to receive the speediest reply she had ever had from Ellen and quite the longest .
18 A complicating factor in all this was that despite the opposition of the Eastern District Council , expressed both before and after the decision had been taken , Cambridge University Extra-Mural Board resolved in December 1955 to withdraw its resident tutors from some of the counties it served .
19 Once the decision had been taken , no time was wasted in defining the areas of the city to be dealt with and in actually measuring the ground , for Haussmann 's first task was to draw up a plan of Paris measured to an exact scale .
20 The Director of Education for the county walked down the stairs with me after the decision had been made , and told me that ( of course ) I would be expected to pay early attention to the reorganization of the whole of secondary education in Banbury .
21 The decision had been taken , the statement said , ‘ for personal reasons ’ .
22 Managing director Derek Walklin said the decision had been taken following a review of staff .
23 The decision had been made , somehow , and her feelings had been overruled .
24 A Moma spokeswoman indicated that the decision had been reached by the Pushkin and Hermitage museums , the two principal lenders to the New York show , together with the Pompidou and MoMA itself .
25 Chairman James Unruh said the decision had been painful for Unisys , but that the company saw little choice .
26 But social services chairman Peter Maxwell said last week the decision had been made before the council drew up its policy on gay and lesbian foster parents .
27 Michael Heseltine , the Trade and Industry Secretary , said the decision had been taken because it had become ‘ virtually impossible ’ for UK insurers to obtain reinsurance protection against ‘ terrorism-related claims ’ .
28 Four other cases in table III were excluded from our analyses because they fell outside the period covered : cases 1–3 occurred before complete registration data were available , and case 14 occurred in 1991 after the decision had been taken to make 1990 the final year of the analysis .
29 Not because she was undecided ; the decision had been made .
30 By Summer 1964 the decision had been made to extend Doctor Who 's life by another season , which meant having a new series ready to start screening by the autumn of that year .
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