Example sentences of "[art] single [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Because the single electron in a dithiadiazole radical , , causes S-S bond weakening ( it is in a π*; molecular orbital that is antibonding with respect to the S-S bond ) , changes in this bond distance are useful in indicating the extent of ligand to metal electron flow .
2 It was a shadow cast by the single lamp in the room .
3 Andrew Mark Jones was hit by the single decker in Crane Street , Cefn Mawr , near Wrexham , Clwyd , at 11pm on Saturday .
4 No there was er three lads in the double bed and er another two lads in the single bed in one room , and mother was in the front room of course she had husband in those days you see when we were growing up , there was a it was not unusual to sleep top-to- tail if we had any pals , if we had a party and we had any pals we 'd sleep top-to-tail one with a head at the bottom and others with their head at the top , sounds like something out of the Dickens when you start talking about it do n't it ?
5 The other story I recall to mind about this time is that Cranwell in those days must have been the coldest spot south of the Arctic Circle and the ration of coal to fire the single stove in a billet of 22 erks took little account of the temporary hutment , Some genius had laid down that the ration of coal would he 1lb of coal every other day was sufficient to ward off armies of brass monkeys that descended on Cranwell in winter .
6 In the 1820s the vestry at Christchurch , Spitalfields , had to issue general instructions against the use of the single case in their vaults , advocating the triple case in all instances .
7 To conclude colleagues , the Maastricht Treaty the dynamic evolution of the European community from where the single act in nineteen eighty six left off .
8 Some of all this is mentioned in the graceful and percipient foreword by James Gunn of Princeton University , the addition of which is the single change in this 1982 reprint .
9 He was due to oversee Italy 's entry into the European single market next year and to the single currency in five years ' time .
10 It may be considered to be a vital British interest that we are not on the outside of the single currency in five years ' time .
11 Consumption in period t + 5 will therefore be unchanged : But investment will fall again : Since investment falls and consumption stays the same , income in period t + 5 will be lower than in period t + 4 : So far in the analysis , the single increase in autonomous investment of £10 has caused income to rise from £1,000 to £1,025 in the first four time periods and then to start to fall in the fifth .
12 On the whole , respondents did not favour the single coursebook in the way that courses in the United States do .
13 Bradshaw and Millar ( 1991 ) found that about 17 per cent of the single mothers in their sample had lived with their former partners before becoming a lone parent .
14 All five hundred coolies from Number Three Village were drawn up outside their barracks in long ranks ; silent and apprehensive , they were wondering why they had been roused half an hour earlier and why the burly , intimidating figure of the plantation director , Duclos , was waiting to address the massed roll call beneath the single lightpole in the barrack compound .
15 Instead of leading to a write-up , the reference can lead to another matrix , expanding the single column in the first , and so on to any degree of detail required .
16 The press release by the BDA , gave the impression that diet is the single factor in the prevention of the long term complications of the disease , which is patently not so !
17 The press release by the BDA gave the impression that diet is the single factor in the prevention of the long term complications of the disease , which is patently not so !
18 And to summarize the methodology that we 've used , we 've set out our in the single sheet in the front of N Y eleven , various assumption areas that constitute the use of the model and our choice of the appropriate assumption for each of these areas .
19 Ngune lay on the single mattress in the corner of his cell .
20 She offered a new interpretation of the relationship between mono- and dictotyledons , suggesting that both evolved from a common ancestral stock , and that the single seed-leaf in the monocotyledon was homologous to the pair in the dicotyledon .
21 The crystal structure for sCD2 domain 1 is in close agreement with the polypeptide fold of the single domain in solution as determined by NMR spectroscopy ( a detailed comparison will be reported elsewhere ) .
22 The single model in the exact centre of the template is hit .
23 The single model in the exact centre is hit .
24 The single model in the exact centre is hit at strength 5 .
25 The single model in the exact centre is hit .
26 For lid sitting down on to container , the single excursion in the container relationship must be opposite to that for the lid and one of the possible five in the other relationship .
27 Russell has also made only the single appearance in the green jersey — against England at Twickenham in 1990 .
28 The important point , however , is that the two " likes " must be treated as like in some respect ; and in the linguistic cases this does not merely mean that the two items co-ordinated must be on the same level in terms of specific syntactic classifications , as has often been remarked ; more importantly , it is clear that they must be alike in both bearing one of the other relations , already introduced , to some third element ; thus , in : ( 38 ) Nora is Irish and beautiful the structure is such that Irish and beautiful are both related to Nora by assignment , while in : ( 39 ) bed and board is going to take half his wages the relation of instantiation links both bed and board to the single entity in the subject position .
29 Although this Arrowana is relatively cheap when young , I would not recommend more than the single specimen in an aquarium of this size .
30 The make-up , which seemed to be her sole extravagance , cluttered the single shelf in the cramped shower and he would find half-empty , opened jars and bottles in the food cupboard .
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