Example sentences of "[art] moment [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 In Dostoevsky 's opinion , ‘ The portrait painter seeks the moment when the model looks most like himself ; in the capacity to find and hold this moment lies also the talent of the portraitist . ’
2 So although the ERP had to persist for several hundred milliseconds before the subject felt anything , they nevertheless reported that the sensation had occurred at the moment when the ERP was beginning .
3 This is the moment when the promoter has to demonstrate faith in the act 's ability to do good business .
4 The film was Snow White ; and I felt my sanity slipping until the moment when the queen metamorphosed into the witch .
5 Then the tight cysts , not unlike Maggie 's soap egg , glued onto the reed stalks , and swelling , swelling , splitting until finally the pictures captured the moment when the dragonfly broke from the chrysalis , crawled desperately up the reed stem and unfolded its glorious wings in the sunshine , spreading them out to harden , to firm up , to set , to grow strong .
6 Right up to the moment when the news-reader said , ‘ And that 's the end of the News .
7 Evelyn finished the last letter of the last word and stood perfectly still , ready for the moment when the teacher should turn and see .
8 They will have 17 days between the moment when the last result is known and April 27 , when the new Parliament meets for the first time , to gather sufficient support from MPs from minority parties to form a government .
9 The present improvement has for its object to compensate for the disturbance of the balance between the upgoing and downgoing lifts which occurs by the immersion of the latter in the water at the foot of the incline , and the improvement consists in gradually diminishing the gradient at the upper end of the incline so as to avoid the great increase of haulage power which would otherwise be required to raise the ascending lift from about the moment when the descending dock begins to enter the water .
10 The subsequent courts of sewers were steadily reinforced by successive legislation , culminating in 1532 in Henry VIII 's Statute of Sewers , just at the moment when the power of the monastic lords of the levels was broken by the Reformation .
11 In contrast with my wishful thinking of the day before , I now found it impossible to visualize anything after the moment when the lights would go out and the window of the block would be thrown open .
12 i.e. choose the moment when the current would safely sweep a small boat through one of the narrow arches of old London Bridge .
13 It has a strange history and to understand it it is necessary to turn the clock back eight thousand years , to the moment when the first cats were being domesticated in the Middle East .
14 Perhaps it is all a question of timing , and that summer afternoon in 1921 was the moment when the linear impulse started its break through to public awareness .
15 I remember well the moment when the electricity came back on .
16 He told her it was like the moment when the tide stops coming in and starts going out again .
17 Some felt a leaping in their spirits at the moment when the announcement was made at the AGM , something which they knew was from God .
18 Obviously , the content of a shot has a bearing on its length ; ideally , it should end just at the moment when the viewer has absorbed all the information in the scene , and is beginning to wonder what happens next ?
19 That was the moment when the fabulous Nan Mahon had flashed her eyes .
20 Nothing activates the bladder as much as fear , either , and this is the moment when the studio audience will often hear the clatter of heels across the floor as guests make a last-minute dash for the loo .
21 The turning point , the moment when the era rightly began , came during those years between America 's Sixties triumph — Neil Armstrong 's first footsteps on the Sea of Tranquillity in 1969 — and that most doleful moment of the Seventies , when the last US Marines were evacuated from the roof of the embassy in Saigon in 1975 .
22 Not all teachers are closet radicals , though , waiting for the moment when the unbolting of the examination doors will allow them to open up their pedagogical style .
23 Another past champion graphically described this as the moment when the golfer blacks out and has n't the remotest idea that he is holding a putter at all .
24 Zeta Aurigæ is of great importance to astronomers , because before totality ( that is to say , the moment when the blue star passes completely behind the red companion ) begins the light of the blue star comes to us through progressively deeper layers of the supergiant 's atmosphere and provides information about the composition and structure of the supergiant itself ; but the magnitude range is only from 3.7 to 4.2 .
25 This is the moment when the goods change hands .
26 So far all the preparations had been made as discreetly as possible , under cover of darkness , but now the moment he most dreaded was approaching , the moment when the sepoys would realize that a retreat was taking place and would launch their attack .
27 It would be possible to interpret this sentence as referring to causally unconnected events — say a gunman clicking the safety-catch of his gun at the moment when the door shut .
28 Yeah , and what did you get you see , you get mutations going on in plants so that you get at the moment when the plants themselves are altered , it does n't necessary , necessary mean that they 're killed off , it does n't necessary mean that they are killed off , it means that the actual genes alter , that they go on breathing so you get ginormous sort of cabbages , you know , cabbages that 'll normally be about that size , suddenly become that size
29 Reviewing the procedures he followed on leaving Skaro , the Doctor , at last , traces the fault — a tiny broken spring on a switch that , had it stayed in the ‘ down ’ position , would have sent the TARDIS back past the moment when the Earth 's solar system was formed — beyond the Sun 's point of creation .
30 But I am more disturbed by the sharp , diving whine of a mosquito , which produces an anticipatory tension by its frequency alone , just like the moment when the dentist turned on his drill and swung the whole clumsy contraption over my youthful , gaping mouth .
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