Example sentences of "[art] process [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The company says this technological approach enables changes made anywhere in the process including development of documentation , design models and source code and at the lowest level of granularity , to be automatically reflected and maintained throughout the entire development process and all software deliverables .
2 So is a speeding up of the process through biotechnology really any different ?
3 More immediately , before those years pass and there is any immediate prospect of monetary union , it must be recognised how vulnerable Britain would be if the Government 's strategy were to avoid commitment to the process under way in the European Community .
4 So tidy minds in the West have been thinking of ways to keep the process under control .
5 The process under section 268 is needed because of the difficulty in which the liquidator in an insolvent company is necessarily placed .
6 ‘ Rather than ask what aspects of adjudicative procedures can be grafted onto this decisional process reviewing tribunals must ask : what is the nature of the process here undertaken , what mode of participation by affected parties is envisioned by such a decisional process , and what specific procedural guidelines are necessary to ensure the efficacy of that participation and the integrity of the process under review ? ’
7 An important part of the process towards self-realisation is a programme which teaches levitation .
8 As part of the process towards implementation of the SEA , an agreement was reached in early 1988 to double the size of the Structural Funds in real terms by 1992 .
9 Purdom , the Financial Director of Welwyn Garden City Ltd , recognizing that satellite towns were part of the process towards city decentralization , postulated the idea of new regional and provincial authorities in order to assist in the more effective development of such settlements .
10 It recommended that the second stage of the process towards EMU , as envisaged in the 1989 Delors plan [ see p. 36598 ] , should begin on Jan. 1 , 1993 , and should be as short as possible .
11 The process of alignment between the two approaches is likely to be the crucial industrial relations issue of this decade and the purpose of this project is to track and interpret developments along this critical fissure .
12 Numerically easily the most significant has been the process of accretion , whereby existing courses have joined the scheme , accepted its rules and conventions and added their subject contribution , in the form of fields , to what is already on offer .
13 This is sometimes taken to show that the process of monopolisation has come to a halt .
14 But he added : ‘ If , however , it means that managers are so distracted discussing the process of privatisation that they have no time left to manage , then that would be a most unhappy state of affairs . ’
15 I said that once the process of privatisation had been completed we would publish the figure for the total proceeds , and also that I would reconsider the possibility of publishing individual sale proceeds .
16 During the process of privatisation it will clearly not be a good idea to publish the amount received for each company , as it could well affect prices in subsequent sales .
17 In all the eating disorders the process of bingeing or starving results in an emotional " high " and is used as a method of suppressing other emotional feelings .
18 It has no general knowledge source to aid the process of disambiguation .
19 The material being of humans ( their location in the mode of production ) determines their consciousness ( the ideologies they absorb ) but the process of determination does not extend to the particular content of ideology , rather to the forms it takes ( philosophy , religion , law , politics , aesthetics , intellectual production in general ) .
20 In May of this year , we were pressed by Amnesty International and other refugee groups to speed up the process of determination , and the Bill before the House , which will be debated next week , sets out a scheme that will allow determination to be decided within a period of three months .
21 The process of CD encounters particular problems in the context of health care .
22 This is a serious omission because the church is both medium and message in the process of gospel communication .
23 Fourth , it can aid the process of life review , and fifth , it is an enjoyable and stimulating experience .
24 My unfaithfulness will be eased gently out along the process of life , dispensing with small fragments of guilt as I go .
25 a concentrated effort will be made with departments to encourage further involvement of employer partners as guest lecturers ; in the process of course development ; in selection of staff .
26 And in the process of course destroying the old Europe , allowing the very thing that , arguably , they were trying to stop from happening , to happen , that is to say , allowing the Russians to advance towards the Elbe , and allowing the Anglo-Saxons as they see it to erm come from the west and taken over the western half of Europe .
27 The process of budgeting will send you out on more research .
28 If , having chosen not to take advice , they took the same tack with the process of law once started , and thought that by ignoring it or defying it they could halt it , they were laying themselves open to an even ruder shock .
29 Some theorists identify a multitude of ‘ dialects ’ spoken within one legal system , while others point to changes in the process of law creation : traditional models tend to attribute this to parliament , government and the courts , whereas increasingly it involves those who are themselves subject to legal rules .
30 The process of law enforcement , in its broadest possible interpretation , operates in such a way as to conceal crimes of the powerful against the powerless , but to reveal and exaggerate crimes of the powerless against ‘ everyone ’ .
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