Example sentences of "[art] kind of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It was thus impossible to make the kind of pact that had been made with Clovis in France .
2 The kind of norms we are concerned with here are sometimes called community norms in order to distinguish them from the superordinate norms that I have mentioned , and I shall suggest below that a major difference between superordinate and community norms is that , whereas ‘ standard ’ norms are uniform , community norms are sometimes more aptly described as variable norms .
3 ‘ It 's the kind of fur Sister Dew thought Miss Broome 's coat might be — but apparently it would be too expensive even for a canon 's daughter . ’
4 Cocaine is the kind of drug that does not have to do you harm — unless you 're stupid with it .
5 Now whether that is that they are annoyed that there is n't childcare facilities , or whether they 're annoyed that they have to make dinner for their husbands , or whether they 're annoyed with what 's on television , or at the kind of newspapers that are coming in the door or whatever .
6 None of these animals have the sort of intelligence that would enable them to function as successful human beings ( ignoring the physical differences ) , but then we would not seem to have the kind of intelligence that would enable us to operate successfully in their environments .
7 If you held the kind of philosophy that I do , you would realize that , in friendship , presence and absence , propinquity and distance , do not make quite the difference that they do in mere acquaintanceship .
8 As it is vital that all children have access to the rich curriculum and to the kind of experiences that involve pupils with purpose it must be desirable that , at times , the special needs teachers work alongside mainstream class teachers .
9 The calling of this assembly is a response to the kind of experiences I have just described .
10 A basic attitude of empathy ( a ) to appreciate the power and attractiveness of religion and be able to get on the wavelength of religious people ; ( b ) to be aware in a meaningful way of the kind of experiences and arguments upon which religious people base their convictions ; ( c ) to learn fluency in the language of affirmation , both of others as people and of what is meaningful and important to them .
11 However , we should know of certain techniques that are appropriate to the kind of furniture we make .
12 any status attached to the kind of wood you had
13 They will tend to be richer and from richer countries , rather than erm than , than the kind of cross-section that we would have liked to have before .
14 When I started in the shop I was into digging out a bit more detail about it , finding out the kind of Arthur English-style kipper ties my granddad used to wear and the cars that were around then .
15 They must strengthen themselves , show themselves , so that the prevailing morality is broken , so that good anti-discriminatory legislation can come to exist , so that there is no basis for the kind of developments that have occurred in Britain .
16 Three errors involve the change of y to i : cryed , emptyness , tryed ; others show confusion about what the actual prefix or suffix is : full for ful , diss for dis , -d or -t for -ed ( see pages 37–8 ) are the kind of errors made .
17 I classify seven words as indicating probable problems with reading , because they are the kind of errors younger children would be expected to make : fritend , herd , crecher , dangrus , tow ( two ) , mac , mec ( make ) .
18 Certainly both books are attributed to Walter Hilton Canonicus de Thurgarton , though the mood he expresses in Scale 1 , which is addressed to a female recluse , seems similar to that he expressed while he was still a solitary and suffering the kind of feelings of purposelessness he expresses in the De Imagine Peccati .
19 She did n't want to get into that kind of conversation , the kind of conversation adults had with schoolkids .
20 But in the kind of conversation recorded here , I am not talking about overuse .
21 the kind of conversation you go up and down .
22 James was in every respect the kind of driver Alexander would get along with and that their enterprise did not finish so very far from winning , and failed to win not a few times only through misfortune — or the injustice of fate , speaks creditably of an underlying seriousness that they rarely allowed to show .
23 He has great potential to be a world champion , and he will be the kind of driver we would like to retain his services through the next possible two , three years , so it 's a longer term situation with him .
24 It was a dull , snowy night , with heavy grey clouds hanging low in the sky , the kind of night when hopes are destroyed and love is lost .
25 It might perhaps be wondered why , when the locks were being renovated in 1909 , the opportunity was not taken to adapt the side-ponds , to combine the need to re-fill the lock quickly with the kind of water economy which would have resulted from the more conventional side-pond system .
26 He walked with a limp , and had you not known better you could have mistaken the sores and scabs on his face for the kind of wounds worn by down-and-outs in Cardboard City .
27 I gave Rex the kind of nod you could tell your grandchildren about .
28 All these indicate the kind of critique that is possible when we employ a perspective other than that provided by the immediate discipline .
29 The answer lies largely in the kind of critique that we developed earlier in relation to Harré .
30 Not , I admit , the kind of explosives you have down there but we know enough not to trigger a bomb by accident . ’
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