Example sentences of "[art] staff [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If teachers can be encouraged to clarify their thinking and make learning more varied and fun for the children — sharpening and deepening thinking , then this will be because the head has taken the staff along an analytical path that actually raises the level of efficiency and excitement in the classroom .
2 To develop their awareness and need to know their product simple questionnaires could be put to the staff along the lines of :
3 Concern was immediately expressed by the staff about the nature of the exercise and the points made by the director .
4 These were the work of R. Lunn who had joined the staff as a boy porter , aged 14 , in 1874 .
5 Each LEA , each school and each agency needs to develop a strategic approach to staff development , involving detailed identification of training and development needs with the staff as a whole and with each individual member of staff .
6 As a direct result of the project , a much larger committee was established , where membership comprised a much wider representation of the staff as a whole .
7 If it is now less likely , because of LMS , that one member of staff can combine several of these roles , it is certainly practicable for them to be spread across the staff as a whole , or at least its more experienced and talented members .
8 Whereas Types 1–4 , are all variants of the basic two-tier model of primary school management , in this type the coordinator and curriculum leaders represent a significant and formally recognized additional layer in the management structure , running their own meetings and development programmes , reporting back to the head and the staff as a whole , and contributing in a distinctive way to overall school policy .
9 Although one person may not be able to combine the range of roles and tasks in the way that some coordinators have , it is perfectly possible to spread these across the staff as a whole and thus maintain the momentum of innovation and support .
10 In 1939 he rejoined his regiment and served on the staff as a captain until 1944 , when he was transferred to the procurement and fine arts branch formed to protect historic buildings and works of art at risk during the invasion of the Continent .
11 Everybody just seems so disillusioned … everybody seems fed up … the staff as a whole , I mean .
12 It may be more difficult to make quick decisions , but it has the additional merit of making the design decisions those of the staff as a whole .
13 They were also hit with a mop and a chair leg by some of the staff during the brawl on September 25 last year .
14 I WRITE in appreciation of Broadgreen Hospital for the wonderful attention and care accorded to me from all the staff during the five days I spent there .
15 When I put the staff between the denim cap and the wind , the turbulence vibrated the peak with the noise of a bassoon .
16 The Salvation Army said it acknowledged with gratitude the faithful and caring service of the staff over the years .
17 The continued energy , good humour and loyalty of the staff through a most difficult time have been a major strength to the Management Board and the Council
18 They were well funded … they had a good library area with lots of money , a chartered librarian ( which is unusual ) , and were very supported by the rest of the staff through the school .
19 An infectious outbreak among the staff at a time when holidays are at a peak will be more difficult to manage .
20 But you can ask the staff at the antenatal clinic for the results of your Rubella blood test .
21 I 've heard that you and her were more than friendly when you were on the staff at the C.B.T.C. ’
22 ‘ Next week some time , ’ answered the Scouse , ‘ This is a fact , he continued One of the staff at the big house overheard the Brigade Major talking to the Medical Officer . ’
23 As you know , Piper , the staff at the Commando Camp have been accepting free board and lodgings at my Police Station for some time now , especially when they miss the last transport back to camp . ’
24 The Provisional Checklist which was Appendix 1 of that paper was examined by Miss Campbell , who made useful comments , but the main support came from Dr F. H.Perring and the staff at the Biological Records Centre .
25 The staff at the hospital were keeping silent this week .
26 But you can ask the staff at the antenatal clinic for the results of your Rubella blood test .
27 She was brought to England and ‘ adopted ’ by Mr and Mrs Joseph Topley of Settle , who aided by the staff at the Craven Herald newspaper , set up a fund to finance a series of operations .
28 Poppy seemed so much happier — the staff at the home had obviously helped to build her trust in people , although she still cowered if someone bent down to make a fuss of her .
29 She says that none of the staff at the Southampton office has been made redundant , although several who have left have not yet been replaced .
30 Of course , the staff at the Poly could only be flattered to take part in a state visit .
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