Example sentences of "[art] door was [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The chamber beyond the door was lit by a pale green glow .
2 As the scream rent the room the door was thrust open and Sister Monica and Sister Aloysius rushed in , just in time to stop the nun 's hands going round Millie 's throat .
3 It was almost at this moment , too , that the door was thrust open and the indignant lady stood within it and in a loud voice proclaimed in her most officious manner : ‘ When you have come to yourself enough to apologise , Peggy , I 'll see you upstairs in my room .
4 A sense of alarm prompted her to knock again , more loudly , and this time the door was thrust open by an elegant though plainly dressed young woman who winced at the sound of breaking glass , coming from somewhere behind her .
5 The sudden rush of cooler air as the door was thrust open took her completely by surprise .
6 There were footsteps outside the door , and a trilling laugh that Paige recognised the merest instant before the door was thrust open and Drew came in , a giggling Lori attached to his arm .
7 The door was flung wide and in he did ride
8 Feeling increasingly nervous as his appointment drew near , Morris was ushered into a vast boardroom , where the door was flung open by ‘ a giant of a man who looked as if he had been fed on rum all his life ’ : .
9 ‘ Then suddenly the door was flung open and Mr Chapman dashed out with his face one huge smile and shouting ‘ we 've won ! ’
10 He slept for a while and was roughly awakened as the door was flung open and Selkirk entered .
11 Even as she spoke , however , the door was flung open and Sarah stumbled over the threshold , half-dragging and half-lifting George into the room .
12 The door was flung wide , and inside lay a dark cave .
13 Late one afternoon as I was packing some old boots I had begged with wet slack and tea leaves to use as fuel on the fire the door was flung open and Dad stumbled in .
14 She was lifting her hand to knock again when the door was flung open and she was confronted by the woman she 'd seen outside who stared at her defiantly , her painted face incongruous against the fall of grimy hair over her shoulders .
15 Craig tucked the books inside his coat and as the door was flung open , he strode past his open-mouthed brother and down towards the drawing-room .
16 The door was flung open , and Oscar called him in , despite shouts of complaint from some of the other members .
17 The door was flung open , and there was a baffled pause , like that of a charging bull who 's lost sight of its target .
18 Suddenly the decision was taken out of her hands when the door was flung open and there was David , grey-faced and tired , his sleeves rolled up and his hair dishevelled .
19 Almost instantly this time the door was flung open .
20 A surly servitor thrust poorly baked bread and watery beer at us and we sat , lost in our own thoughts , until the door was flung open and Mandeville and Southgate entered .
21 The door was flung open before Rincewind could collect himself sufficiently to make a dash for the window .
22 At that moment the door was flung back , thumping against the wall .
23 The door was flung open and she flinched as she found herself staring into Dane 's scowling face .
24 The door was flung open and two burly men in boots , sturdy breeches , coarse shirts and bicorne hats marched in .
25 Then the door was flung open and Boz stood in the doorway , wild-eyed and angry .
26 The door was flung open and Meredith Putt stood in the doorway , unshaven , unwashed and wild-eyed , his condition startling the messenger .
27 The door was propped open , to catch what air there was , and she entered hesitantly , her gift thrust out in front of her .
28 It was winter , so you see the door was fastened . ’
29 It was impossible for him to have escaped on his own for the door was secured by a wedge , pushed through a hasp to hold the hinged staple in place .
30 The door was secured by eight clamps , some of which had been jammed into position by the impact of the blast .
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